ALLAN Russell (born 20 September, 1915, Keene, N.H. ) and Margaret (born 3 September, 1918, Brattleboro, Vt. ) with son Gerald (born 23 July, 1951, Keene, N.H. ) came to live year-round in Stanhope in 1968 as landed immigrants, from New Hampshire . Russell is the son of Donald M. Allan and Alice Mae (Read) Allan, of Keene, N.H. ; and Margaret is the daughter of Joseph and Luthera Stark of Brattleboro, From 1949 on the Allans had come to Stanhope as summer visitors, staying mostly at Kiloran Lodge, operated by Mr. and Mrs James MacFadyen . In 1961 Russell's father, Donald Allan , purchased land and three cottages on the in Stanhope from Jeanette Marshall ; this land was previously owned by Lloyd Shaw , and had been in the Shaw family since the time of early settlement in the area. After the deaths of Alice and Donald Allan in 1964 and 1966, Russell and Margaret bought additional land and two more cottages from Jeanette Marshall , and converted one of these cottages into a year-round home. This involved raising the cottage, constructing a basement under?? neath, adding onto the existing house, and building a two-car garage; a further addition was made to the home in 1979. The Allans operated a tourist business under the name of Sunset Cottages until 1982 when they decided to retire from tourism. In 1968 Russell accepted a position as Guidance Counsellor at Charlottetown Rural High School, where a guidance program was being organised for the first time; Russell continued in this position until 1974. The Allans became Canadian citizens in 1978. They own two other parcels of land in Stanhope as well as the lot where their home is situated. The Allans feel that it was the warmth and friendliness of the people in the community and in the churches of Stanhope and West Covehead , plus the uniqueness of the countryside, which led them to make their home here. They have contributed greatly to community life and to the church; they are always ready and willing to help with any project. Russell has been active in the Pastoral Charge and the York- Men 's Association, and plays his violin with the choir in church; that fiddle is very popular when Russell plays toe-tapping jigs and reels at various gatherings, particularly at Senior Citizens' Homes. Margaret is a pillar of the Stanhope Women 's Institute and is currently President of the local United Church Women , and her beautiful voice is a great asset to the church choir. She has been an Elder of Stanhope United Church since 1974, and Clerk of Session for the York- Pastoral Charge since 1975. For Russell Allan 's genealogy and an interesting account of his ancestor Colonel John Allan (1746-1805) please see the Allan family history in the Stanhope Community History reference files. 265