In 1978 James and Marjorie Allen came to live in Stanhope from Charlottetown, where James was the owner of the MacLean Funeral Home. James (born 27 March, 1936, Port Williams, N .S.) is the son of Frank Alden Allen (born 1898, North'Grand Pré, N.S.) and Blanche Evangeline Palmeter, also of North Grand Pré. Marjorie (born 9 May, 1934, Wolfville, N.S.) is the daughter of Elmer Fielding Bauckman (born 9 November, 1901, Port Williams, N.S.) and Violet Anne Covey (born 20 August, 1911, Indian Harbour, N.S.)

In 1970 the Allens bought 5 acres of land with a homestead on the Stanhope East Road from Ralph Carr and Harry MacLauchlan. This property was originally owned by the Douglas family, successive owners being George Blue, Thomas McCabe, and Lloyd Roberts. In 1972 James Allen purchased the remainder of the farm, about 108 acres, where he raises pigs and also feeder cattle. In 1978 the Allens built a modern home and moved from Charlottetown with their five children.

Children of James and Marjorie (Bauckman) Allen

1. Vicki Lynn, b 6 Aug., 1956, Kentville, N. S., m. 13 Mar., 1981 to Murray Cook. 1 c. Christopher Taylor b 7 Apr., 1983 They live in Stanhope; Vicki teaches children’ 3 art classes at the Confederation Centre of the Arts, Charlottetown.

2. Kenneth James, b. 15 Oct. 1958, Kentville, N .S.

3. Beverley Lee, b. 18 Nov., 1960, Charlottetown, m. 23 Dec., 1980 to Derek Cooke; they live in Sherwood.

4. David Stephen, b. 20 N ov., 1964, Charlottetown. 5. Michael Jonathan, b. 29 J an., 1973, Charlottetown.


Francis Alexander, the ancestor of the Alexanders of Stanhope, was born in 1807 in County Down, Ireland. He joined up as a British regular soldier in Belfast, Northern Ireland, on the 22 July, 1825. We have no record of his coming to North America, but in December of 1837 he was married, by the Rev. J .P. Hetherington, in Brunswick Street Methodist Church, Halifax, NS, to Ann Brodie; she was born in Stanhope on the 3 September, 1813, the daughter of Peter and Janet Brodie. Francis apparently remained in the army, and the Alexanders lived near Niagara, on the British side of Niagara Falls, where their only son George was born, on the 29 September, 1838. It is possible that Francis’ regiment was posted from Halifax to Niagara Falls at the time of the Upper Canada Rebellion.

In the fall of 1845 the Alexanders were in Stanhope, and Francis bought half 481/2a acres of the farm owned by his brother-in-law George Brodie. This property lay on the south side of the Stanhope