Alexander and Catherine (MacEachern) MacLauchlan of Stanhope . 6 c. See MacLauchlan family history. Will Bell operated the family farm under great difficulty owing to his having asthma. In 1937, 90 acres of the farm were expropriated by the , and in 1942 Lewis Kielly bought the remaining 100 acres. In 1941 Will went to live at the home of Will Ross , now Horace Marshall's property; he remained there until his death in 1947. Will, his parents, and his Aunt Matilda, are buried in West Covehead cemetery. Children of Coles and Ida (Marshall) Bell 1. James Lloyd , b. 6 Aug., 1901, d. 4 July, 1971, m. 7 Mar., 1932 to his cousin Edna Belle Marshall (b. 10 May, 1914), dau. of Frank and Matilda (Brodie) Marshall. 2 c. 2. Robert Frank , b. 8 Mar., 1903, never married. Frank served in the U.S. Navy . He was in the Philippines working for a construction company and was killed in a Japanese bombing raid. The last letter his mother received from him was in 1940. 3. Roy Bradford , b. 28 July, 1910, never married. He served with the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps 1943-1946, spending one year in Occupied Europe after hostilities ceased. He now lives in West Covehead , on the land once owned by Robert Kielly . 4. George Ernest (Bud), b. 22 Dec, 1912, m. 1. Grace Rankin from Glasgow, Scotland , 1 dau., m. 2J3ernadine Dawe Chandler from Topsail, Newfoundland . Bud served with the Royal Canadian Artillery in WWII and now lives in Charlottetown . Children of Lloyd and Belle (Marshall) Bell 1. Ernest Bloyce , b. 9 May, 1933, never married. 2. Ina Matilda , b. 16 Apr., 1935, m. 28 Nov., 1952 to Ernest MacMillan . They live in Covehead and have 4 children: Paul, b. 1954; Barry, b. 1956, m. 1979 to Ann Birt ; Wendy, b. 1960; Jill, b. 1963. BERNARD John Harold Bernard (b. Oct., 1875, d. 9 Sept., 1964, son of John Bernard and Annabella Bell of Irishtown ) with his wife Lottie (b. June, 1881, d. 20 Mar., 1958, daughter of John and Lottie Biggar of Breadalbane ) and their seven children, came to Stanhope in the fall of 1926 from Springfield, P.E.I. John was a road machine operator and was sent here to work on , where he used the first mechanical road machine on P.E.I. It was a caterpillar track machine with a scraper blade; previously horse-drawn plows and scrapers were used. The Bernard family lived in Stanhope for the next 13 years, renting the old Hudson house on the east side of , together with some farm land, from the Hudson family. John worked on the roads and also did some farming. Some of the older children 277