BOVYER 'S PATENT HORSE POWER MACHINE The first invention in this colony. Warranted to thrash 80 to 100 bushels of grain per day ??? with one horse and two persons to attend the same. Price 25pounds delivered. In December, 1839 William, of Stanhope , had an accident, fortunately not too serious, and made the pages of the Royal Gazette : ??? On Friday last Mr. William Bovyer fell into a draw well, on the premises of Mr. James Robertson , Road ??? the well was 32 feet deep, and had been covered with a door. Bovyer not suspecting the purpose for which the door was so placed, proceeded to raise it from the ground und before he was aware of a well being there, found himself at the bottom of it. Fortunately there was water to the depth of 5 V 2 feet in the well, which broke his fall. It further appears that when he fell into the well, the door which he had partly raised from the ground again fell flat upon the mouth of the well, and covered it over, leaving Bovyer for a time completely entombed. Half an hour elapsed before his cries attracted attention, when he was at length rescued from his unpleasant situation, without receiving any injury from the fall. ( Royal Gazette , 24 December, 1839). In the Hudson family history a house is mentioned, built by the Bovyers on their 143 acres to the east of and later owned by Robert Hudson Jr. It was reputed to be haunted by the ghost of a coloured slave, Caesar, brought from the States by Stephen Bovyer and valued at ??45; he disappeared mysteriously and was thought to have been murdered. Another negro slave belonging to the Bovyers was freed by them, but was later hanged in Charlotte Town for stealing a pint of rum. The Bovyers carried the name of their village in Cheshire all over the world; besides Bunbury in Lot 48, P.E.I. , they named a Bunbury in Massachusetts , and a branch of the family emigrating to Australia called their new home town Bunbury ; it is situated in , on the coast just north of Perth . Children of Stephen Bovyer Sr. and Dorothea Lowe 1. John, b. 1749, Cheshire, England , d. 14 Mar., 1818, Bunbury , Lot 48, m. 28 Jan., 1801 by Rev. Theophilus DesBrisay to Mary Auld (b. 1771 or 2, d. 14 May, 1847) dau. of Robert and Jean ( Fissett ) Auld of Head. 5 c, see below. 2. Stephen, b. 1751 in England , d. 29 Sept., 1809 in Stanhope , of paralysis, bur. cem., m. Margaret Campbell (b. ca. 1755 in N. Ireland , d. 19 Sept., 1804) 11 c, see below. 3. Samuel, b. in England , brought to America, no further record. 4. Dorothea, b. in England , brought to America, no further record. 5. Mary, b. in England , brought to America, no further record. 6. Robert, the only child born in America,? date, d. between 1821 and 1825, 282