1815 to Mary Lawson (b. 13 Aug., 1795. d. 26 Jan., 1865) dau. of William and Ann (Graham) Lawson of Stanhope. 4 c., see below.
Although the children of John Bovyer listed next did not live in Stanhope. we are including them for the sake of completeness.
Children of John and Mary (Auld) Bovyer 1. Ann (Nancy), b. 7 Jan., 1802, most. 1820 to Henry Smith; emigrated to Auckland, New Zealand in 1858 on the “Prince Edward”.
2. Jane, b. 1803, d. 23 Jan., 1853 in Lot 48, m. 26 Dec., 1826 to John Calladen of Lot 31.
3. John, b. 1805, d. 5 June, 1867, m. 1836 to Elizabeth Farquharson (1812-1891) 7 c.
4. Robert, b. 1809, d. 1900, m. 13 Mar., 1838 to Mary Crawford of Tryon River (1816-1892)
5. Stephen, b. 1811, d. 10 Nov., 1895, m. 24 Dec., 1840 to Catherine Norton (1807-8 May, 1877) 5 c. He invented the “Horse Power Machine".
Children of Stephen Bovyer Jr. and Margaret Campbell
1. Mary, b. 1778 or 9, Rhode Island, d. 9 Jan., 1870 aet. 91, Covehead, 111. after April, 1798 to David Higgins (b. 1778 or 9, Stanhope, d. 21 Jan., 1860) eldest child of Cornelius Higgins Sr. and Isabella Lawson of Stanhope. 7 c., see Higgins family history.
2. Elizabeth, b. 1780 Rhode Island, bp. 3 Jan. 1790 aet. 9 by Rev. Th. DesBrisay, d. 27 Oct., 1811, bur. Long Pond cem., m. 4 Feb., 1806 by Rev. DesBrisay to David Lawson (b. 1780 or 81. d. 9 Aug., 1860, bur. West Covehead cem.) elder son of William and Mary (Shaw) Lawson. 2 sons, Stephen Bovyer, b. 1806, and William David, b. 1808. ,He m.2. ca. 1813 Isabella Auld, 4th dau. of Robert and Jean (Fissett) Auld of Cove Head. 4 3., Robert, George, James and David. See Lawson family history.
3. Samuel Lowe, b. 1782 Rhode Island, bp. 3 Jan., 1790 aet. 7, d. Stanhope 17 Mar., 1848, m. 4 Nov., 1805 by Rev. DesBrisay to Ann (Nancy) Lawson (b. 1784) youngest dau. of William and Mary (Shaw) Lawson of Stanhope. 6 0., see below.
4. William, b. 1784 Rhode Island, bp. 3 Jan., 1790 aet. 5, d. 6 Sept., 1863, m. 21 July, 1810 by Rev. DesBrisay to Margaret Kelly (b.ca. 1790) dau. of Gregory and Isabella (Gregor) Kelly and granddaughter of Peter Gregor of Brackley Point. 7 c., see' below.
5. Dorothy, b. 1786, bp. 3 Jan., 1790 aet. 3, d. Feb., 1863, In. 9 Mar., 1807 by Rev. DesBrisay to Theophilus Chappell (b. 7 Jan., 1783, d. 29 Dec., 1847, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Chappell of Charlotte Town). Both bur. Elm Avenue cem. Charlotte Town. 1 c. b. 1809, 1 dau. Mary, b. 1815.
6. John, b. April, 1788, probably in P.E.I., bp. 3 Jan., 1790 aet. 1, d. 30 June, 1857 in Charlottetown, m. 10 Aug., 1825 in Sackville, N .B. to Elizabeth Avard (b. 30 May, 1791 in Bristol, England, d. 10 Dec., 1876) dau. of Joseph and Frances Avard who came from St. Austell, Cornwall, England in 1806. Both bur. Sherwood cem. John was assayer of weights and measures in Charlottetown. 3 dau. 1. Frances Margaret (1829-1916) m. 29 J an., 1856 by Rev. J. McMurray to John Higgins (1820-1902) son of David and Mary (Bovyer) Higgins of Stanhope. Both bur. Stanhope. 2. dau. _— m. Rev. Fred Smallwood. 3. Eliza (1835-1914) m. Colonel E.S. Moore (1846-1929). Both bur. Sherwood cem. John Bovyer had possibly 4 other c.
7. Margaret, b. 3 June, 1791, P.E.I., bp. 19 June, 1791 by Rev. DesBrisay, d. 8 Apr.,