6. Robert, 1806-1896, In. 26 June, 1839 by Rev. B. Scott to Catherine, dau. of Donald McGregor of Lot 48. 10 c.
7. Elizabeth (Betsy), m. 8 May, 1839 to William Shuttleworth Lawson of
Stanhope. 6 c. She had a dau. Eliza (1835-1909), father Duncan (Bull) Shaw. Eliza m. Albert DesBrisay Bovyer.
8. Lawrence, In. his cousin Betsy, dau. of James Curtis Brown. 5 c.
3. John, m. 7 Dec., 1797 to Isabella (b. 1777, d. 5 Mar., 1867 at Bannockburn) dau. of William Lawson of Stanhope. 1 1 c.
1. Jane, b. 1798, d. 22 Jan., 1881, m.ca. 1821 to James McGregor of Stanhope. 9 c.
2. William, b. 1802, d. 13 Dec., 1887. m.1. Catherine, dau. of William Auld of Cove Head. 7 c. m.2. Isabella, dau. of William Auld of Cove Head. 0 c.
3. James, b. 1803/4, d. 6 May, 1851, m. Jessie, dau. of William Auld of Cove Head. 8 c.
John, m. Ann Affleck of St. Peter's Road. 3 c.
David, m. Martha, dau. of John Giles of York. 10 c.
Mary, m. James Smallwood of Lot 40. 7 c.
Isabella, b. 1808, m. Joseph McGregor of Lot 48. 5 c.
Ann, In. David Auld of Cove Head. 1 0.
Ellen, m. Ralph Carr of Cove head. 2 c., Mary Ann and Matilda.
Malcolm, b. 1819, d. 1 Dec., 1845, drowned in Cove Head Bay shooting geese,
m. 28 Nov., 1843 to Mary Ann, dau. of Abraham Gill and Elizabeth Tanner of York. 1 c.
11. Elizabeth, 111. Henry Swan of York.
4. Elizabeth, (.1. 1862, m. 4 Oct., 1799 by Rev. DesBrisay to Samuel Leard, weaver, of Tryon. 0 c.
5. William, m. 20 Feb., 1800 by Rev. DesBrisay to Margaret Hall of Charlotte Town. Nothing further known.
6. Catherine, b. 1774, d. 8 June, 1885 at Margate, aet. 111 years “less 14 days”.
Her right eye was peeked out by a rooster at 7 years old, but she was able “to see and read without glasses to the day of her death”. ml. 12 Nov., 1804 by Rev. DesBrisay to John McInnis of Southport, carpenter. 1 5. James, bp. between 23 Feb. and 7 Apr., 1806. John McInnis d. 10 Dec., 1806. m.2,. Donald Graham of Margate (1773-1850) 8 0., John, Maria, Mary Anne, Helen, Catherine, Donald, Jane, Isabella.
7. Margaret, m. 29 June 1803 by Rev. DesBrisay to Richard Snow. 0 c.
8. Janet, under 16 in 1798 census, in. Alexander Pickering of New London. 10 c.
1. Jennie, m. John Woodside of Clinton. 8 c.
2. Jane, m. William Adams of New London. 8 c.
3. Ellen, m. Duncan Ross of Stanley. 7 c.
4. William, m. 1. Catherine Thomson of Granville. 0 c. m. 2. Betsy, dau. of John Kielly of Cove Head. 3 c. m. 3. Elizabeth, dau. of William Cole of New London.
5. Margaret, m. Kenneth MacKenzie of Malpeque. 8 c.
6. Annie, m. 1. John Ramsay of Port Hill. 1 c. m. 2. Levi Diamond of Port Hill. 0 c.
7. Christy, 111. James Kielly of St. Avards. 6 c. 8. Alexander, In. Sarah, dau. of John Graham of Seaview. 13 c. 9. Mary, m. James Graham of Bayview. 5 c.