6. Robert, 1806-1896, m. 26 June, 1839 by Rev. B. Scott to Catherine, dau. of Donald McGregor of Lot 48.10 c. 7. Elizabeth (Betsy), m. 8 May, 1839 to William Shuttleworth Lawson of Stanhope . 6 c. She had a dau. Eliza (1835-1909), father Duncan (Bull) Shaw. Eliza m. Albert DesBrisay Bovyer. 8. Lawrence, m. his cousin Betsy, dau. of James Curtis Brown . 5 c. 3. John, m. 7 Dec, 1797 to Isabella (b. 1777, d. 5 Mar., 1867 at ) dau. of William Lawson of Stanhope , lie. 1. Jane, b. 1798, d. 22 Jan., 1881, m.ca. 1821 to James McGregor of Stanhope . 9 c. 2. William, b. 1802, d. 13 Dec, 1887. m.l. Catherine, dau. of William Auld of Head. 7 c m.2. Isabella, dau. of William Auld of Head. 0 c. 3. James, b. 1803/4, d. 6 May, 1851, m. Jessie, dau. of William Auld of Head. 8 c. 4. John, m. Ann Affleck of St. Peter 's Road. 3 c. 5. David, m. Martha, dau. of John Giles of York . 10 c. 6. Mary, m. James Smallwood of Lot 40 . 7 c. 7. Isabella, b. 1808, m. Joseph McGregor of Lot 48. 5 c. 8. Ann, m. David Auld of Head. 1 c. 9. Ellen, m. Ralph Carr of head. 2 c, Mary Ann and Matilda. 10. Malcolm, b. 1819, d. 1 Dec, 1845, drowned in shooting geese, m. 28 Nov., 1843 to Mary Ann, dau. of Abraham Gill and Elizabeth Tanner of York , lc 11. Elizabeth, m. Henry Swan of York . 4. Elizabeth, d. 1862, m. 4 Oct., 1799 by Rev. DesBrisay to Samuel Leard , weaver, of Tryon . 0 c. 5. William, m. 20 Feb., 1800 by Rev. DesBrisay to Margaret Hall of Charlotte Town . Nothing further known. 6. Catherine, b. 1774, d. 8 June, 1885 at Margate , aet. Ill years "less 14 days". Her right eye was pecked out by a rooster at 7 years old, but she was able "to see and read without glasses to the day of her death". m.l. 12 Nov., 1804 by Rev. DesBrisay to John Mclnnis of Southport , carpenter. 1 s. James, bp. between 23 Feb. and 7 Apr., 1806. John Mclnnis d. 10 Dec, 1806. m.2. Donald Graham of Margate (1773-1850) 8 c, John, Maria, Mary Anne , Helen, Catherine, Donald, Jane, Isabella. 7. Margaret, m. 29 June 1803 by Rev. DesBrisay to Richard Snow . 0 c 8. Janet, under 16 in 1798 census, m. Alexander Pickering of New London . 10 c 1. Jennie, m. John Woodside of Clinton. 8 c 2. Jane, m. William Adams of New London . 8 c. 3. Ellen, m. Duncan Ross of Stanley. 7 c 4. William, m. 1. Catherine Thomson of Granville. 0 c m. 2. Betsy, dau. of John Kielly of Head. 3 c m. 3. Elizabeth, dau. of William Cole of New London . 5. Margaret, m. Kenneth MacKenzie of Malpeque . 8 c 6. Annie, m. 1. John Ramsay of . 1 c m. 2. Levi Diamond of . Oc 7. Christy, m. James Kielly of St. Avards. 6 c 8. Alexander, m. Sarah, dau. of John Graham of Seaview . 13 c. 9. Mary, m. James Graham of Bayview . 5 c 289