were low. Ray married Blanche Duck in 1917. She died in childbirth with their first child; the baby, Stuart, survived only a few months. In 1924 Ray re-married, to Verna Belle Dover, of Suffolk, P.E.I.; her father’s great-grandparents came from Suffolk in England, her mother’s people were MacKinnons from Scotland.
About this time things began to look up for Ray. After ten years of hard work he was able to buy his first car — “a crude-looking thing by today’s standards, but way ahead of a horse.” He bought two pairs of silver foxes in 1924 and constructed a fenced-in fox ranch with 30 breeding pens. He built up a large operation and had championship pelts each year from 1926 to 1930. This was a prosperous time, and Ray could buy new cars, and race horses. Races were held in winter on the bay ice; one of Ray’s best horses was Oakley Baron. The fox ranch continued to be profitable until the 19403, when silver fox fur went out of fashion.
In 1911, 35 acres of land bordering Lond Pond were conveyed to David Carr from Henry A. Lawson and Alfred C. Lawson, and later Ray bought 50 acres from George Gill for $800. In 1937, part of the Gulf Shore end of the Carr farm was expropriated by the federal government to form part of the National Park. 25 acres of good land were paid for at $40 an acre, and 50.71 acres of woodland and swamp at $35 per acre, for a total reimbursement of $2,774.85.
Ray and Verna have three children; Evelyn married Leith Carter and lives in Winsloe, P.E.I.; Ira married Margaret Leisk and settled in Port Perry, Ontario; and Ralph married Evelyn Holec and shares the homestead with Ray and Verna. Ralph built on a new kitchen at the time of his marriage, and in 1976 the house was extensively renovated. Ralph also bought a farm of 100 acres from Lloyd Roberts; this was sold to James Allen in 1971; and the former Gill property of 50 acres, to Frank Zakem in 1973. Ray and Verna now occupy one end of the homestead; Ralph and Evelyn, the other; the latter have two sons, Nelson and Darrell. The Carr property today totals 90 acres.
Children of William and Elizabeth (Lawson) Carr
1. James, b. 1835, 111. Mary , (b. 1837 in the West Indies.) 4 c. Lucy, b. 1864 William, b. 1867, a carpenter who emigrated to Boston. Grace, b. 1872 ? twins. Ralph, b. 1872, thought to have become a doctor.
2. Ellen, m. Henry Hardy of Union Road. 4 c., Elbie, Mont, Bart and Bessie. 3. Ralph, b. 1840, m. Elizabeth MacEachern (b. 1856) 7 c., see below.
4. John, b. 1843, d. 9 June, 1879, m. Hannah Lee Hobbs (b. 1844, d. 16 July, 1930) 3 c., Hattie, Charles and Maude.
5. David, b. 4 April, 1846, d. March, 1915, m. 10 Oct., 1871 by Rev. James Allen to