4. Doris, b. 21 Apr., 1944, Stanhope, m. Alvin McCarville from West Covehead; they have 5 c., Michel, Cindy, Lori, Clinton and Larry and live in Summerside.
5. Calvin, b. 20 July, 1946, Stanhope. m. Donna Kidd from Ontario. They live in Waterloo, Ont., 2 c., Jeremy and Krista.
David Lawson and his wife Ann(Auld) lived where Mervyn Robison is today. About 1906 David died, leaving Ann alone with no family to care for her and work the farm. She lived for a time with her brother in West Covehead, until Susan Jane (Beattie) Clark and her husband George Richard Clark, with their four children, came to the farm to care for her. In September, 1906, Ann (Auld) Lawson signed her property over to Susan Clark in return for her care until her death.
Susan Jane (Beattie) Clark was born in 1862, the daughter of Alexander Beattie and his second wife Ann Lawson, (born in 1832, a . daughter of James Lawson and Ann Auld his wife.) George and Susan Clark came to Stanhope from the USA. with four children; these children went to school in Stanhope until November, 1915, when the Clarks sold their property to Malcolm Shaw MacLeod, having decided to move the whole family to Mount Stewart, where there are des- cendants still living.
Children of George and Susan (Beattie) Clark
Edward Marion
Florence Albion
Marven Alfred Clow was born on June 13, 1947, the son of Alfred and the late Roslyn (Gibbs) Clow of Pleasant Grove and Grand
Tracadie; his wife, Patricia Sarah MacCallum was born on July 19, 1955, the daughter of Harold W. and the late Jean Florence (Rush) MacCallum of Brackley Beach. They came to live in Stanhope in 1975, when they bought a house and the front lot of land known as the Ostridge sub-division on the Stanhope East Road; this land was originally owned by the MacAulay family. Marven and Patricia were married in 197 2, and they lived in Grand Tracadie until moving here. Marven is a mechanic with Parks Canada, since 1980 a maintenance supervisor, and Patricia is a cook at Dalvay-by-the-Sea Hotel.
Frederic Connolly and his wife, Janet MacLeod, came to live in Stanhope from Charlottetown in 1977. Frederic, born on September