Neil and Jane had four sons while living in Lot 34. A daughter was born to them after they moved to . Children of Neil and Jane (Brown) Darroch 1. John B.,b. 1866 2. Angus Alexander , b. 1868, m. 10 Oct., 1898 to Mary Eve McPhee . 3. James A., b. 1869 4. Fred, b. 1871 5. Sarah, b. 1873 DAVIES John J. Davies came to Stanhope in 1900 when he purchased Point Pleasant Hotel from Donald MacMillan . He was a native of , N.S . and was married to Helen Logan , also of Pictou . In early life he drove the stage coach from Halifax to Pictou in the days when stage coaching was the only means of travel. He came to Charlotte- town in the early 1800s, taking over the " Rankine House ", then the leading hotel in the city; it was situated at the corner of Pownal and Sydney Streets . In 1904 he ran the "Plaza House ", on , now the Lennox Nursing Home. Later he was proprietor of the Davies Hotel on Great , now the Regent Hotel. From 1900 when he bought Point Pleasant he operated both hotels; in the summers he and his wife Helen ran the re-named "Cliff Hotel", while his daughter- in-law looked after the Davies Hotel in town. Helen Davies Lowther , named for her grandmother, remembers the lovely summers at the Cliff Hotel as a little girl. Guests came from all over Canada and the States and returned year after year; they became friends of the Davies' rather than clients or customers. If any guests' children had a birthday, Helen Davies would always bake a birthday cake and have a party. Helen drove to town on market days, Tuesday and Friday, with horse and wagon, to buy supplies for the hotel; it was a long drive, and a long day, from early morning till late afternoon, "but grandmother loved every minute of it" ( Helen Lowther ). The Davies had a daughter Belle who died young, a son William and a son John James , who died (torpedoed) in World War I, and whose daughter, Helen Davies Lowther , lives in Charlottetown ; we are indebted to her for information on Mr. and Mrs. Davies . John J. Davies was a charter member of the Provincial Exhibition Association, and a director; and at the time of his death in 1926, its President . He was a noted judge of horses, both in the show ring and at the race track. After his death on November 2, 1926, Mrs. Davies sold the Cliff Hotel to Harry Williams , (see the section on Stanhope Beach Lodge). 307