Ellis Family 1970 Back Row L-R: Norma, Gordon, Irwin, Irene, Preston, Donald, Howard, Janet, Allison. Front Row L-R: Bruce, Beth, Sterling
at Portsmouth and at Niobe, Scotland. While in Niobe, Bruce took a Petty Officer’s Course in mechanics. In November, 1943 Bruce returned to Canada and spent the next 18 months patrolling the east coast waters out of Digby, N.S.
While in Digby, on November 8, 1944 he married Elizabeth MacLauchlan (Beth), daughter of James H. and Isabel (Jay) Mac- Lauchlan of Stanhope. (see MacLauchlan family history). They lived in Digby until August, 1945, then returned to Stanhope until Bruce was discharged in the late fall of 1945. They purchased 51/2 acres of the MacLeod property at Stanhope Corner, and moved into their new home on May 24, 1946. Mechanical work was carried out in a building on the property while the service station was being built in 1946. In the earlier years White Rose gas was sold for 34¢ a gallon. In 1963 the Canadian Oil Co. was bought out by Shell Canada Ltd. (see Service Station history). In May, 1962 Bruce went to work for Parks Canada as supervisor mechanic, a position he held until 1982, when he retired; he still runs the service station.
While rearing and educating his family of seven boys and three girls, Bruce was always interested in hockey and from 1952 on could be found in rinks all over RBI and the Maritimes, coaching and working with a team of boys from 6 a.m. until midnight. He still carries on his love for hockey and spends many hours in rinks. Needless to say, all the children were involved in hockey, baseball, field hockey. Janet played on many Canada Games teams in field