resided. Gerald practised law in Summerside from 1970 to 1974, when he was appointed a Judge of the P.E.I. Provincial Court, with duties chiefly in Queens and Kings Counties. After spending about a year in Charlottetown, the FitzGeralds purchased land and built a home on Parson’s Creek Drive, Stanhope, where they lived with their two children, Bethanie and Garrett, until 1983, when they sold their home to Donald MacAulay, a former National Park Superintendent. The
FitzGeralds are (1984) enjoying a sabbatical year in the British Isles and Europe.
Gerald FitzGerald was born 10 September, 1942 at Exeter, Ontario, to J. Lester and Helen (Cameron) FitzGerald.
Lynda Olscamp was born 14 December, 1946, at Summerside, to George and Rita (Gallant) Olscamp.
Bethanie was born 15 November, 197 4, at Summerside. Garrett was born 9 April, 1977, at Charlottetown.
Thomas Foster and his wife Mary Ridgdell, with two daughters Matilda and Jane, came to P.E.I. in 1819 from Yorkshire, England, and settled in Stanhope on land leased from the Montgomery pro- prietors, to the north of what is now the Stanhope East Road.
Thomas was born in 1788, his wife Mary in 1795. It is said that Thomas married one of his family’s maids; possibly this was the reason for their coming to the colonies, given the strict English class distinctions of the time. (compare a similar tradition in the Carr family history). Mary was very well-liked by her neighbours here; Thomas was thought to be rather reserved.
The first house built by the Fosters was totally consumed by a forest fire, as stated in the P.E.I. Register of July 21, 1829. A second house, probably the one built after the fire, was still standing when the farm was expropriated by the National Park in 1937; the clearing where the farmyard area was, can still be seen. This house is re- membered as being large, with tall corner posts running right up to the roof. At any rate, Thomas Foster must have re-built right after the fire, because in the Royal Gazette of May 22, 1830 he was advertising For Sale. A leasehold interest for sale at Cove Head, about 150 acres of land, 80 of which are cleared and under cultivation, cuts 20 tons of upland hay and a little marsh hay. There is a comfortable dwelling house and outbuildings on the premises, and an excellent spring of water a few yards from the house. There are also 50 acres of woodland which if the purchaser is desirous of having, will be attached to the above. It is conveniently situated for collecting manure, quantities of help coming on shore on the front of the land, and is a good place