and that she be supported in a decent comfortable manner on the farm by my sons Isaac and David ... Actually, she predeceased him, on February 24, 1863; Thomas died on April 25, 1867. They are both buried in the Stanhope Methodist cemetery. Children of Thomas and Mary ( Ridgdell ) Foster 1. Matilda, b. 1817 in England , m. 8 Mar., 1843 by Rev. Robert Douglas to Robert Lawson (b. 1813, d. 27 Nov., 1900, bur. Stanhope ) son of David and Isabella (Auld) Lawson. They lived in York where Robert was a farmer, trader and postmaster. 7 c, Mary, Lucretia, Thomas, Isabella, Lizzie, David, Selena. 2. Jane, b. 1818 in England , d. 1898 in Charlottetown , m. 30 Dec., 1839 by David Higgins J.P . to George Bovyer (1808-1880) eldest son of Samuel Lowe and Elizabeth (Lawson) Bovyer. They lived in Stanhope , later moving to Covehead and then to Charlottetown . Probably 2 c, the 1861 census gives 1 s., 1 dau. 3. Margaret, b. 6 Sept., 1821 in Stanhope , bapt. 2 Nov., 1821 by Rev. Theophilus DesBrisay , d. 24 Dec, 1843, aet. 22, bur. Stanhope . 4. George, b. 1822/3, Stanhope , d. 25 Mar., 1893, m. 9 July, 1862 to Anna Maria Cooke of Little York (b. 1840, d. 21 June, 1889). They lived at Rice Point and Marshfield . 4 c, Albert, Wellington, Lemuel, Emily ( Mrs. Gill ). 5. Mary Ann, m. Charles Higgins , son of Cornelius Jr . and Margaret (Bovyer) Higgins. They moved to Chicago; he d. in Oct., 1872. 6. Thomas Jr ., b. 1829/30, d. 22 May, 1903, 1860 to Jane Lund (b. 1833, d. 13 Mar., 1903), both bur. St. John's Anglican cemetery, Milton. They lived in Milton, at least 8 c. Thomas 1862-1938. Mary 1863-1915, Mrs. Good . David 1867-1934, m. Tillie Hooper . Eliza Jane 1869-1934. Ada Maud 1871-1942. Isaac 1873-1942 George H. 1876-1938 Deborah and another c. died in infancy. 7. Louisa, b. 1830, Stanhope , m. Nov., 1849 to John Turner (b. 12 May, 1821 in Cornwall , England ) son of George Turner who settled in ca. 1831. John and Louisa lived in Milton, Winsloe and Charlottetown . Both bur. Stanhope . 8 c, Joseph Ridgdell , Thomas H., David, Mary Jane , John, George, Eliza, John Isaac , (the latter's son John Ralph is still living in Charlottetown ). 8. Henry, b. 1832, Stanhope , d. 22 June, 1879, m. 28 Apr., 1867 by Rev. Mr. Pope to Susanna Deacon (1838-1885) dau. of George Deacon of Little York . Both bur. Stanhope . They lived in York . 0 c, but an adopted son, John Robert MacDougall . 9. Isaac, b. 1833, Stanhope , d. 16 Nov., 1920 in Vancouver, B.C. , m. 29 Nov., 1860 by Rev. James Allan to Jane MacGregor (8 May, 1841 - 18 Feb., 1916) 3rd dau. of John and Elizabeth (Bovyer) MacGregor. They lived in Stanhope , New Perth , P.E.I. , the Dakotas, Vancouver. Both bur. Vancouver. 13 c. Mary Elizabeth , 1861-1941, m. John Poole . David Lawson , 1862-1933. Emma Jane , 1866-1953, m. James Spurr . James Allan , 1868, d. aet. 7 mths. William H., Toronto , Ont. 321