GILL The vast majority of Island (Protestant) Gills are descended from one Abraham Gill , who was born on December 18,1790, in Devonshire , England . With the sum of thirty-five pounds sterling in his pocket, he left his father's home and farm in England in 1819, and crossed the to Prince Edward Island : ??? ... and then to seek a home in some foreign land Good Providence directed me to Prince Edward Island , where the Lord has blessed me, body and soul. At the time of my leaving my native home I little thought I was bidding farewell to my kindred and acquaintances. I went up at once to Devonport to get a passage; there was a large barque there belonging to Mr. Pope about to start in a few days. I had to go home for the few things to take with me. I asked the captain what he would charge for board and passage. He said he would take me if I would mess with the men, for six pounds sterling. Before I embarked, I had to go home, and when I returned to Devonport, I found the vessel had started on her voyage and was already nearly out of sight. I hired a man and his boat to pull after them; and the captain, seeing that we were following him, hove-to till I was safe on board... (from the diary of Abraham Gill ). After a rough voyage of three months at sea, Abraham reached our Island shores on June 15,1819, when he established at Little York , just in time for a late planting:... / planted some potatoes among the windfalls and stumps ..., these furnishing a goodly portion of his subsistence during his first rugged winter here. In 1820 about two acres was cleared for planting and a log house was erected on the property with two windows and two doors ... then I went into the swamps for moss to put between the logs to keep out the cold On February 7, 1821, Abraham married Elizabeth Tanner (b. 1792, d. 1864), who was his helpmate in making a home at Little York , where their nine children were born ??? four sons and five daughters, be?? ginning the Gill bloodline of many families in York and elsewhere. One of these sons of Abraham and Elizabeth (Tanner) Gill was John, born at York in 1826. A carpenter by trade, he left Prince Edward Island around 1850 and settled in the St. George's Bay area of Newfound?? land, where he was engaged in fishing, and married Mary Magdalen Morris of that place. They had at least eleven children, four of whom are known to have moved, in the late 1800s, to Prince Edward Island , the homeland of their father. Let us follow these four Gills who made their homes in Stanhope . John Robert , son of John and Mary (Morris) Gill, was born in 1853 at Robinson's Head, Newfoundland ; he died on June 28, 1925 in Charlottetown and is buried in the York cemetery. He is listed as a 325