Son David was also a Justice of the Peace for many years. The Higgins family history is somewhat complicated at this point by there being two William Higgins of about the same age but of different generations. Cornelius Sr . had a son William, born in 1794, called ... William Higgins Sr. , fisherman, single in the 1861 census; he apparently never married, and died at Stanhope on December 14, 1864, aged 70. The other William, born in 1807, was Cornelius Jr .'s son by Mary Brown , daughter of Lawrence and Jean (Jamieson) Brown. He was raised by the Higgins family and took their name. Mary Brown later married John Kielly . This younger William Higgins married Catherine Leitch in 1835 and they had twelve children; they farmed 100 acres rented for ??5.0.0. per annum from the Montgomery heirs. This land was situated near the border with Lot 35, between Donald MacLean 's and John Lawson 's properties. William died in 1866, and in 1877 the land passed to his eldest son Neil and his widow Catherine, via the Commissioner of Public Lands. In 1895 a small part of their property, with a pond, was conveyed to Alexander MacDonald , who built Dalvay House there. Neil died in 1914, his wife Emily in 1934, and the homestead passed, via Neil's brother John Leitch Higgins to the latter's grandsons, Neil W. Higgins and John White . These two sold the land and buildings on August 25, 1934 to Sydney Ranicar and Malcolm MacCallum for $1,165.00. Further Higgins property history includes the following:??? deeds dated June 3, 1834 show that John, Peter and William Higgins rented land from the Montgomery brothers ... between the Gulph of St. Lawrence and ; in 1853 Cornelius Jr . was renting 100 acres next to the Carr property, with Peter having only 30 acres at the Point; ten years later this was in his wife's name, and in 1880 in the names of their sons, John and James. On a map of 1863 William and Theophilus, both sons of Cornelius Jr ., are shown with land between and . In the 1880 atlas, besides Neil at Dalvay, and John and James at the Point, Stephen, Charles and Cornelius, sons of David and Mary (Bovyer) Higgins, are shown in West Covehead , farming 270 acres between them. In 1928, Mrs. Emily Higgins , Neil's widow, was the only one of the family left, with 55 acres next to Dalvay; and there are no Higgins in Stanhope today. Children of Cornelius Higgins Sr. and Isabella Lawson (1735-1825) m. 1776 (1751-1835) 1. David, b. 1778, d. 21 Jan., 1860 aet. 82, 1800 to Mary Bovyer (b. 1779 Rhode Island , d. 9 Jan., 1870 aet. 91), eldest child of Stephen and Margaret (Campbell)Bovyer. 7 c. 2. Cornelius Jr ., b. 1780, d. 8 Nov., 1854 aet. 74, 1812 to Margaret Bovyer 332