(b. 3 June, 1791, Stanhope, d. 8 Apr. 1858 aet. 66), fourth dau. of Stephen and Margaret (Campbell) Bovyer. Both bur. in Stanhope cem. 5 c.

3. Mary Ann, b. 1782, d. 15 June, 1862 aet. 80, m. by Rev. Theophilus DesBrisay on 31 Jan., 1804 to John A. Douglas (b. 1780, d. 21 May, 1854, aet. 73), eldest child of William and Catherine (Millar) Douglas of Head of Hillsborough. Both bur. Stanhope cemetery. 10 c., see Douglas family history.

4. John, aged under 16 in April, 1798 (census). 5. Johanna, aged under 16 in April, 1798 (census).

6. Peter, b. 1789, d. 25 Nov., 1855 aet. 66, m.ca. 1820 to his cousin Christianne Lawson (b. 1797, d. 1876), second dau. of William and Ann (Graham) Lawson of Stanhope. 5 c.

7. William, b. 17 94, d. at Stanhope 14 Dec., 1864 aet. 70, unmarried.

Children of David and Mary (Bovyer) Higgins m.ca. 1800

1. Stephen, b. 1809, m. at Cove Head on 11 Dec., 1849 by Rev. James Allan to Elizabeth Shaw, dau. of Neil and Catherine (Lawson) Shaw. 5 c., Wellington, Malcolm, James, Catherine and Janet; all died young.

2. Charles, b. 1813, m. Catherine Auld (b. 1809, d. Feb., 1890). dau. of John and Margaret (Millar) Auld. 0 c.

3. Cornelius, b. 1814, m. 26 Nov., 1844 to his cousin Joanna Bovyer, dau. of Samuel and Ann (Lawson) Bovyer.

Robert, b. 1816, unmarried.

John, b.? 1820, d. 1902, m. Frances Bovyer (1829-1916). Isabella, b. 1834, unmarried.

James, b. 1836, unmarried.


Children of Cornelius Jr. and Margaret (Bovyer) Higgins

1. Isabella, b. 1812, d. 1878, m. 10 Dec., 1838 to her cousin John Lawson (b. 1804, d. 14 Nov., 1878), moved to Colorado. 5 c., James, Margaret, Theophilus, Artemas,

and _____. 2. Mary, b. 1816. 3. David, b. 1828.

4. Charles, b.? d. Oct., 1872, 111. Mary Ann Foster (?) 4th dau. of Thomas and Mary (Ridgdell) Foster. Lived in Chicago. 5. Theophilus, b. 1833, d. 16 Mar., 1909, Hyde Park, Mass, m. 14 Apr., 1854

to Caroline MacLean (b. 1833, d. 1872 aet. 39) dau. of John MacLean of Arlington, Lot 17, late of Stanhope. 4 c., John, Cornelius James, Amelia,

Flora, possibly 3 more c.

William Higgins, son of Cornelius Jr. and Mary Brown, was born in 1807 and died 21 April, 1866; he married Catherine Leitch (1818- 1904) daughter of John Leitch, granddaughter of Peter Leech of Stanhope; they had 12 children. They were married on January 14, 1835 by David Higgins, J .P.

Children of Peter and Christianne (Lawson) Higgins 1. John, living 24 Oct., 1871; apparently never married.