2. James, living 24 Oct., 1871; apparently never married. By their mother's Will, John and James got... my leasehold farm ... on which I now reside as tenants in common. 3. Isabella (Bella), b. ca. 1830, d. 1920 or 21 in her 90 s. Called ... my sick daughter in her mother's Will. ... Lay in bed for 20 years, then got up and married James Strickland . ( Wendell Kielly ). Strickland was from Newfoundland . 0 c. 4. Cornelius, b. 1838, d. 23 Oct., 1845, aet. 7,... of the croup. 5. Ann, b. 1841, m. 7 Apr., 1869 to Jeremiah (Jerry) O'Brien from Newfoundland . 5 c. Robert, b. 1871, lived , Mary, b. 1872. Walter, b. 1874. Annie, b. 1877, m. a Dr. Smith in California , 1 dau. Mildred. Ambrose, b. 1880. Children of William and Catherine (Leitch) Higgins 1. Eliza, b. prob. 1835, m. John Sharp , lived near Kensington, P.E.I. 2. Neil, b. 1836 or 7, d. 25 June, 1914, m. Emily A. Watts , both bur. Stanhope cemetery, 0 c. 3. Maria, m. 26 May, 1864 to Peter MacLeod of Lot 12, lived near , Mass. 4. James, m. Caroline Toombs , dau. of Henry and Mary Toombs, Wheatley River , moved to San Francisco, 5 dau., 1 s., Colin L., d. 17 Nov., 1873, aet. 3 mths. 14 days. 5. Derenda , m. 6 Oct., 1868 to David McGregor (b. 1843, d. 27 Dec, 1885, aet. 42, killed by a train in Charlottetown , bur. Stanhope ), son of Joseph and Isabella (Brown) McGregor. Derenda moved to Massachusetts , later to California . 7 c. 6. Elizabeth, m. David Walker . Grandson, Arnold Walker , lived in Kensington , P.E.I. 7. John, b. 1843, d. 1925. m.l. Mary Jane Brehaut from South, 1 s., 2 dau. m.2. Margaret Miller from Murray Harbour North , 2 s., 3 dau. Wallace Higgins was a grandson. 8. Mary Ann, b. 16 June, 1851, d. 14 June, 1946, Somerville, Mass. , m. 28 Dec, 1871 in Charlottetown to Ewen MacMillan McGregor (b. 18 Jan., 1846, Covehead , d. 14 June, 1928, Somerville, Mass. ), son of Joseph and Isabella (Brown) McGregor. Moved to Massachusetts in 1893.4 c. 9. Sarah E ., b. 1852 or 3, d. 3 June, 1924, Norboro aet. 71, m. 14 Apr., 1874 to Dougald Stewart of Brooklyn, P.E.I. 5 s., 3 dau. Dr. Harold Stewart of Charlottetown is a grandson. 10^ Colin Leitch b, Jan.. 1856, d. 14 Sept., 1872 aet. 16, bur. Stanhope . 11. Isabella, b. 31 July, 1858, d. 28 July, 1939, , Mass. m. 1. 14 Nov., 1897 as his 2nd wife to Alexander Millar (b. 1829, d. 18 Feb., 1907, bur. West Covehead ), son of John and Ann (Hayden Auld) Millar. 0 c m. 2. Cornelius James Higgins , son of Theophilus and Caroline (MacLean) Higgins, a widower with 5 dau. No c by Isabella. However, Isabella had a son, Colin Havelock Higgins , b. 30 June, 1883, bapt. 22 Sept., 1885. m. Janie Matheson , dau. of John Benjamin and Josephine (Craswell) Matheson. Janie was living in Oyster Bed Bridge in 1941, and Mrs. Colin H. Higgins of Oyster Bed Bridge d. 5 May, 1967 in her 85th year. Colin and Janie had a son Wallace and a dau. Jean. Colin Havelock Higgins and wife Jane are both buried in Portage cemetery. 334