Ruby Hudson, b. 1923, married to Bruce Luke; they have three children, Carol Ann, Gordon Hudson and David.

Evelyn Hudson, b. 1927, married Claude Matthews, and there are three children: Sherry, Skip and Heather.


Philip Hughes lived in Stanhope for a relatively short time, and we have found only a small amount of information about him. He was apparently not related to the Hughes’ of Tracadie in Lot 35, nor to John Hughes, blacksmith, who was living in Lot 34 at about the same time, but who was from Scotland, and Protestant (C. of E.)

Philip Hughes was born in 1787 in Ireland, and emigrated to P.E.I. in 1834 from County Armagh. In the 1841 census for Lot 34 he is listed as a farmer, renting 70 acres of land, by verbal agreement at a rent of one shilling per acre; only 9 acres of this were arable. His household consisted of 9 persons, all Roman Catholics, 7 of whom were born in Ireland and 2 in P.E.I.; 7 of them paid their own passage over. Philip and his Wife Mary, born about 1800, must have brought 5 children or dependents with them from Ireland. The household in 1841 contained one male aged 45-60, and six males aged under 16; and two females aged 16-45. On December 10, 1844 there was a lease of 100 acres of land in Lot 34 to Philip Hughes; this land was situated on the south side of the Stanhope East Road, between the lands of Donald MacLean and John MacAulay. It was later sold to Edward Douglas, at the time of the latter’s marriage, about 1850; when Douglas took over the 100 acres, there was still very little land cleared.

The Hughes family probably moved to Lot 23; there are two transfers of leases to Philip Hughes from David Rennie and from James French in Lot 23, both in 1856; the 1863 Lake map shows P. Hughes living in Lot 23, and the 1880 atlas shows Philip’s son Patrick with 140 acres in the lot, near the Bungay Road. Philip’s obituary in the Examiner of January 12, 1881 states that He followed farming in this country and was enabled to retire in 1865 with a competency he leaves 2 sons and 16 grandchildren to mourn his death.

Philip’s wife Mary died on January 10, 1870 aged 70, and Philip died on January 9, 1881 aged 93 at his son’s residence in Hunter River. They are both buried in St. Augustine’s R.C. cemetery, South Rustico.


John J amieson, a tailor from Perthshire, came to Stanhope in 1770 on the Falmouth, with probably a wife, name unknown, and three or

more children.