Of the children, Catherine married William Burke , the... Stanhope ferryman, and they had a possible total of ten children, born between 1778 and 1797. They leased 100 acres of land from Sir James Montgomery around Mill Creek , later moving to Royalty; see the Burke family history. Alex Jamieson was drowned in Tracadie Harbour on April 11, 1771 together with John MacLaughlin . They were ... coming from fforten (Fortune) with some rume and Molasses ... 5 gallons of Rume at 4/- per gallon and 5 gallons of Molasses at 2/6 per gallon on. ( David Lawson , in A Coppy of my Misfortunes). Jean Jamieson married Lawrence Brown , and with their thirteen children founded the Brown dynasty (see their family history). We have found no record of land or a lease for Jamieson in Stanhope ; perhaps John lived with one or other daughter and son-in-law. In the Brown Family History by Charles McGregor it is stated that John Jamieson , together with three other settlers ... settled on a block of land in Western Covehead ... . JARVIS Two members of this family lived in Stanhope , Daniel Jarvis and his nephew Angus. Daniel was the youngest child of Samuel Jarvis (1832-1912) and his wife Flora MacCormack (1841-1908), and he married Margaret Gallant of South Rustico . They were caretakers at the Cliff Hotel in the 1920s; in his verse, "A Soliloquy", , the Covehead poet, refers to them as.... Maggie Ann , and her worthy consort Happy Dan ... at the Cliff on the old North Shore . Their daughter, Mrs. Helena Pineau of Rusticoville , gave us some very interesting details on early times at the Cliff Hotel. (Samuel) Angus Jarvis was the eldest son of Thomas Jarvis , (1860s-1942), and his wife Mary Catherine MacAskill of Mount Stewart ; Thomas was the son of Samuel and Flora (MacCormack) Jarvis and the elder brother of Daniel above. Angus was born in 1887 and died in 1960 in Souris . He married Elizabeth Adams of Dublin, Ireland and they had nine children. They came to Stanhope from Charlottetown in 1911-12, and left here for North Lake in 1920. They lived in the old Ross homestead on the and 5 of their children were born here. Children : ??? Daniel, Earl, Gertrude, Kathleen, Margaret, Dorothy, John, Christina, Elizabeth. Angus fished with Will Ross and was by all accounts an excellent fisherman, and is credited with saving the life of more than one fellow fisherman in stormy seas. 347