where Lloyd and George Shaw now live. That property consisted of 92 acres in 1861; their children were born there. William died at a rela- tively early age from measles, leaving his wife to care for young children. The eldest daughter, Eliza, married Albert DesBrisay Bovyer, and Sarah married John A. Kielly. Maggie Laura married William Duff, and Jane married Alexander Duff, and moved to the Mount Stewart area. Of the two sons, we have no details about Lemuel; the other son, Samuel, never married and lived with his brother until his death some time after 1880. The third daughter, Annie, married Michael Garrett Russell, from the St. Peter’s area; they lived in Cove- head until Garrett’s death, after which Annie and her sons lived in a small house by the road on the farm now owned by Harry Lawson, in Stanhope. In her Will, dated March 13, 1875, Annie stated that her two sons, Oliver, born in 1870, and Samuel, born in 1873, should be brought up in the Protestant faith. Oliver was in the Boer War in South Africa, and Samuel was a meat cutter in Boston, later to come back to live on P.E.I. for some years; he is buried in Stanhope cemetery.

Children of William S. and Elizabeth (Marshall) Lawson

1. Eliza, b. 1835, d. 2 Mar., 1909. m. before 1860 as 2nd wife of Albert D. Bovyer. 10 c., see Bovyer history.

2. Sarah, b. 2 Jan., 1843, d. 1927, m. 1881 to John A. Kielly (1857-1929) 3 c., see Kielly history.

3. Annie, b. 16 Jan., 1846, living as late as 1875, her Will probated 17 July, 1894; m. to Michael Garret Russell, 2 sons, Oliver and Samuel.

4. Maggie Laura, b. 14 Nov., 1848, m. 11 Nov., 1873 to William Duff, a blacksmith; moved to Mount Stewart and later to the US

5. Lemuel, never married. 6. Samuel, living as late as July, 1880; never married.

7. Jane, m. before 1866 to Alexander Duff, moved to Mount Stewart, later to the US. 4 sons, possibly other children.

The remaining children of William and Ann (Graham) Lawson were Samuel Graham, Stephen, Isabella, Catherine and Helen. Details on these are very scarce.

This concludes the William and Ann Lawson line, except for the genealogy of their second son John, which will be considered later, to preserve the continuity of the direct descent of the present day Lawsons, Harry and his son Lorne.

We have explained previously that James, the youngest son of David and Helen (Moore) Lawson, lived his later years on the property known as Mount Joy; now we.wi11 complete the story of this part of the Lawson family.

James and Elizabeth (Millar) Lawson were the parents of ten children, the oldest being Catherine, who married Neil Shaw. The next two daughters never married Helen and Margaret; the latter lived