we do not know his wife’s name; his sons were John and Peter Jr. On September 20, 1803 “Petter Leach” signed a petition from the Stanhope settlers to Montgomery asking that James Curtis be installed as agent; and on February 26, 1811 Peter Leach Jr. was appointed a Constable for Cove Head, along with David Lawson. We do not know who John married, but he had a son Colin of Lot 8 and a daughter Catherine (1818 - 1904) who married William Higgins of Stanhope and had a large family (see the Higgins family history). Colin Leitch of Lot 8 married Mary Smith (1800 - 1864) and they had a daughter Elizabeth; Colin died at West Cape on August 31, 1867 or 69. In the 1841 census for Lot 34 we find Jenny Leech... Widow, liveth in an old school house — in the house, one female aged 45 - 60, and one male aged 16 - 45; and in the 1861 census J ennet Leitch, spinner, is living all alone and aged upwards of 60. Was she Peter Jr.’s widow? We have no further information on these Leitches.
Then there was Neil Leitch, a native of Western Scotland, (who) in early life followed the profession of a ship carpenter ..., and was a farmer in Stanhope (The Patriot, 7 Sept., 1882). He is listed in the 1841 census as Neil Leitch, shipbuilder, and in 1861 as a farmer. There is a lease dated 22 Nov., 1827 from Sir James Montgomery of Stobo and brothers Archibald of the Whim and Robert of Edinburgh to Neil Leitch for 93 acres of land fronting on Stanhope Cove, between the lands of Neil Shaw, Martin Power, and Malcolm Shaw; and a release and deed for the same land, dated 15 Oct., 1828 between the Montgomerys and Neil Leitch who bought the land for £93.00. Neil's son John C. Leitch later operated the farm home as. a summer resort, “Glencorse”, which was “highly esteemed” and very popular. The land remained in the Leitch family until 1912 when Wallace Leitch sold it to Thomas Horgan for $3,400. In 1961-2 Thomas’ son, Patrick Horgan, and his wife, Kay, sold the farm to the Trustees of the Stanhope Development Association, and it is now the Stanhope Golf and Country Club.
To revert to Neil Leitch, he married Marion MacMillan, daughter of Lauchlan and Sarah (MacPherson) MacMillan, who came on the Rambler of Leith, from Tobermory, in 1806, from Lochaber, Argyllshire; they settled at Black Point, Cove Head. Neil was born about 1792 in Scotland and died on August 25, 1882; Marion was born
in Scotland in 1790 and died on March 7, 1876. They had four children.
Children of Neil and Marion (MacMillan) Leitch
1. Sarah (Sally), b.ca. 1819, d. 1904, In. her cousin Angus MacMillan (b. 1816, d. 1901) 8 c., see MacMillan history.