2. John C, b. 25 Sept., 1823, d. 5 July, 1883, m. 25 Mar., 1852, by Rev. R. MacNair to Margaret Ann Dawson Minto (b. 1832, d. 1873), 2nd dau. of Robert Minto of Edinburgh and St. John's Nfld., 5 c, see below. 3. Mary, b. 28 Sept., 1825, d. 5 Nov., 1912, unmarried. 4. Elizabeth, b. 1827, d. Oct., 1845, aet. 18. Children of John C. and Margaret A.D . (Minto) Leitch 1. Bruce, b. 20 Dec, 1854, d. 24 Oct., 1904. m. 1. Elizabeth Georgina Lewis (b. 1856, d. 22 Mar., 1888, aet. 32, bur. York cem.), dau. of H.E.F . and Elizabeth Lewis . m.2. Annie Campbell of Brookfield , on 17 Feb., 1891, 1 son Gordon who m. Jennie Holmes , see below. m. 3. Bessie Carr , dau. of Ralph and Elizabeth (MacEachern) Carr of head, 1 s. Claire, 1 dau. Minto, Mrs. E.M. Symons , Victoria , B.C. 2. Wallace, b. 1854, ? twin with Bruce, d. 21 Nov., 1914, m. Ella Blanche Clarke , dau. of George Clarke of Mount Stewart ; she d. 5 Feb., 1914, both bur. Sherwood cem. Son Roy served in the Serbian army in WWI, was in Spain 1936 with the MacKenzie-Papineau brigade, and a professor at P.W.C . 3. Archibald MacMillan , b. 1856, d. 10 Dec, 1862, aet. 6 4. Florence Nightingale , b.ca. 1863, m. 30 June, 1890 to William Leslie Clay of Summerside . 5. Maggie, b.ca. 1866. Children of Gordon and Jennie (Holmes) Leitch 1. Bruce, b. 1934, m. June Carroll , dau. of Claude Carroll of East Royalty . 4 c, Gordon, Brodie, Janice, Lynda . 2. Barbara, m. Allan MacEachern , 3 c LONGWORTH Francis Longworth was born in 1767 and died on February 27, 1843; he came here from Ireland. He was married on March 29,1797 by the Rev. Theophilus DesBrisay to Agnes (Anne) Auld, daughter of Robert and Jean ( Fissett ) Auld of Head. In April, 1798 the Longworths were living in Charlotte Town Royalty with two children, probably twins; they are included here because Francis Longworth Esq. bought 200 acres of land in Lot 34 from Sir James Montgomery Bt . and Robert Montgomery , paying ??41.0.0 in part purchase on August 12, 1808, and a further ??in.5.5 V 4 on October 1, 1812, to James Curtis , the Montgomery agent for Lot 34. Francis Longworth was a tanner, a member of the Legislative Assembly for Georgetown in 1805, a J.P ., and High Sheriff in 1821; he was also President of the Irish Benevolent Society. He and his wife Agnes are both buried in the cemetery in Charlottetown . Children of Francis and Agnes (Auld) Longworth 1. Mary, b. 5 Feb., 1798, probably a twin, bapt. by Rev. DesBrisay 7 Apr., 1798, d. 1875 aet. 77, m. 29 Mar., 1821 to Peter Stewart McNutt of Darnley . 374