Malcolm MaAlacuy emigrated from Uist, I nvernesshire, in 1803. MacAulay coll.
St. Dunstan’s records, as well as at St. Eugene’s, Covehead and St. Bonaventure’s, Tracadie; and more recently at St. Michael’s, Corran Ban since its inception in 1882. The story is told of one of the MacAulay wives setting out on foot on Saturday from Stanhope, to attend Sunday Mass at her home church at St. Andrew’s, equipped with a lunch and a milking stool, and staying overnight with friends en route on her 18 mile walk. (The milking stool was for resting along the way)». No one had to devise an exercise program or keep-fit classes for these people! '
‘With information from descendants and verification from some meagre records, we present the following children of John MacAulay (son of Malcolm), born 1785 in Uist, Invernesshire, Scotland; died
on December 22, 1881, Stanhope.
Children of John MacAulay and
1. Mary. The Islander of 15 Dec., 1871 notes the death on 9 Nov., 1871 ofMary, beloved daughter ofJohn MacAulay ofStanhope, age 54.