2. Annie, b. 7 Oct., 1885, d. 7 Nov., 1971, bur. St. Eugene's cem., m. 1907 to Thomas Horgan (b. 15 Nov., 1871, d. 14 Dec, 1954) who came from Kilmorna, County Kerry , Ireland. They lived in Stanhope , their farm being the present site of the Stanhope Golf Course. They had 10 c, Helena, James, Thomas, Patrick, John, Michael, Mary Estelle , Rita and Joseph. See the Horgan history. 3. Laura, b. 1887, d. 1935, bur. R.C. cem., m. Gus MacQuaid of Charlottetown , a baker by trade. 2 c, Sybil ( Mrs. Larry McNevin) and Denise ( Mrs. Churney ). 4. Jeremiah William (Thomas), b. 2 Jan., 1888, Stanhope , d. 6 Mar., 1962, bur. St. Eugene's cem., m, 19 Sept., 1916 to Gertrude MacAulay (1894-1981) dau. of Donald and Catherine (MacDonald) MacAulay of Queen's Point, Grand Tracadie . They had 9 c, see below. 5. Margaret (Maggie), b. 1890, Stanhope , d. 1970, bur. R.C. cem., m. Joseph Hennessey from Charlottetown , where they lived on . Joseph was a shoemaker at Currie's Shoe Repair. 6 c, Richard, Joseph, Roland, Frances ( Mrs. John Danton ), Margaret, Alice ( Mrs. Thomas Bolger ). 6. Katherine (Katie), b. 17 Feb., 1900, Stanhope , d. 2 Mar., 1967, bur. St. Eugene's cem., m. 3 Sept., 1923 to Aeneas MacDonald (b. 25 Feb., 1896, d. 7 July, 1965, bur. St. Eugene's cem.), from Tracadie . They lived in Stanhope for almost twenty years before moving to Charlottetown and later to Ontario . 2 c, Aileen and Donalda, see MacDonald history. 7. Frances, b. 1906, Stanhope , d. 1982, bur. Sydney , N.S. , m. Capt. Dicks and lived in Charlottetown for a time before moving to Halifax and later to Sydney, where he died. 1 c. Harold. Frances later m. Daniel Mclsaac from Sydney, where they lived until her death in 1982. 8. ??? 11. Several children died in their early years: Minnie Gladys , Katie Bell , Mary and Patrick. Children of Bernard and Eleanor (Kielly) McCabe 1. Leslie, b. 2 Oct., 1925, d. 22 Oct., 1980, bur. St. Eugene's cem., m. 29 Oct., 1951 to Rita Lamphier (b. 4 Apr., 1931) dau. of Terrance and Bess (Ready) Lamphier of . On returning from service with the RCNVR in WWII, in which he had enlisted at the age of 16, Leslie purchased IV * acres of land in Stanhope , including a house and two buildings, from Alvin MacLauchlan in 1951; this was a portion of the former Walter and Cassie Marshall property. Leslie and Rita made their home here while Leslie was a successful fisherman out of Covehead Harbour ; this was supplemented by carpentry during the off-fishing season, working on many buildings in this community and elsewhere. 3 c, Merrill, Brian and Kevin , see below. 2. Lillian, b. 30 Sept., 1926, m. 6 May, 1946 to Allan Reardon (b. 14 Apr., 1926), son of Edward and Rilla (MacDonald) Reardon of . Allan and Lillian live in where Allan is a farmer and mechanic. 6 c, Patricia ( Mrs. Fred Morrison ), Edward, Joseph, Michael, Aubrey and Marie. 3. Alonzo "Lonnie", b. 5 Oct., 1928, m. 1951 to Ann Trainor of Charlottetown . Lonnie and Ann live in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario . 5 c, twins Jim and John, Patricia, Janet, Thomas. 4. Louis, b. 24 Aug., 1930, d. 1 Oct., 1982, bur. R.C. cem., m. 1955 to Pauline Morrissey . 5 c, Sandra , Philip, Andrew, Peter and John. 5. Luella, b. 22 Oct., 1934, m. 1955 to Neil MacPhee of Bear River . They live in Hamilton, Ontario . 5 c, Wayne, Judy, Lynn, Cindy and Brian. 6. Leo, b. 31 July, 1939, m. 1. Sheila_________, 3 c, Perry, Kevin , Danny. 387