and very neatly, gives a valuable clue to her background and the social position of her family, in an age when not even all men could sign their names.


During the latter part of the 18th, and early 19th, centuries, ship- loads of emigrants from Great Britain began arriving on Island shores, seeking a better life for their families. One such vessel was the 295 ton brig Rambler which sailed from Tobermory, Isle of Mull, Scotland, on June 20, 1806, carrying one hundred and twenty-nine passengers to Prince Edward Island, eleven of whom bore the name “MacLauchlan” John and Christian MacLauchlan with their five sons, and Donald and Mary MacLauchlan with their two children.

Upon their arrival on the Island, these MacLauchlans settled at Head of Hillsborough, some of them remaining there, while others established in different areas during the next two decades. Donald MacLauchlan and his wife Mary (Cameron) and two children, Dougald and Isabel, remained on P.E.I. for only a short time (a daughter Margaret was born on P.E.I. in 1811) before removing to West Bay, Inverness County, Cape Breton, where descendants of this couple have been located.

Of the five sons of John and Christian MacLauchlan, Duncan remained at Head of Hillsborough, purchasing one hundred and fifty acres there in 1809, being the first of four generations of MacLauchlans in that place. Colin (schoolmaster) established in Charlottetown in 1819 and operated a “New Inn” there during the 1820s and 30s. James (tailor) purchased a hundred-acre farm at Mount Stewart in 1822 and was drowned in the Miramichi in 1840, leaving a widow and eight children who grew up at Mount Stewart; one of these, William MacLauchlan, became the father of Mrs. John C. MacAulay of Stanhope (see the MacAulay family history). Of the remaining two brothers, Donald purchased one hundred acres at Pisquid River in 1814, where we find his brother Alexander with his wife and three children living with Donald in 1827 (1827 census for Lot 37).

Children of John and Christian MacLauchlan

1. Duncan, b. 1786, Scotland, d. 23 Apr., 1857, Head of Hillsborough, bur. West St. Peter’s; m. 4 Apr., 1816 to J annet Henderson (b. 1796, Scotland, d. 1878 Head of Hillsborough), dau. of Duncan and Isabella (Murray) Henderson of Clyde River. 9 c., John, James, Donald, Alexander, Margaret (Mrs. James Rattray), Catherine (Mrs. Thos. Sawyer), Jane (Mrs. McCarthy), Isabella (Mrs. Duff), Annie (Mrs. Dodge).

2. Colin, b. 1788, Scotland, (1. 17 Oct., 1864, Charlottetown, bur. Elm Ave. Cemetery, m. 6 Feb., 1819 to J annet MacPherson (d. 1864-67) dau. of Hugh and