accurate, as we are not aware of any legal complications developing therefrom.

In 1937, forty-one acres of the Gulf Shore part of this 100-acre farm was purchased for the National Park at a total price of $1120. A pond

at the gulf shore of this property is described in National Park literature today as “John Arch’s Pond”.

After the death of Mary Ellen MacLauchlan, the last of this line of heirs, the estate was sold by public auction in 1962, the remaining land purchased by Harry MacLauchlan (a cousin), who sub-divided this 211/2 acres into 54 cottage lots, the last of which was sold in 1972.

The western half of Poplar Grove Farm, Alexander MacLauchlan’s hundred acres, passed at his death in 1868, to his youngest son, Alexander, and subsequently in 1916, to his grandson Ashley MacLauchlan (Alexander’s son) who sold this 100-acre farm to Charles Burt in 1919. (see Burt family history).

Children of Alexander and Mary (Henderson) MacLauchlan

1. John, b. 1 Dec., 1821, Pisquid River, (1. 22 July, 1909, Stanhope, bur. West Covehead, m. 13 Aug., 1861 to Ellen Rodd (b. 1835, d. 19 Dec., 1928, Stanhope, bur. West Covehead), dau. of Edmund and Elizabeth (Young) Rodd of Winsloe. 5 c., James Alexander, Ann, John Arch, Edward, Mary Ellen. (see below).

2. Isabella, b.1823, Pisquid River, (1. 22 Man, 1893 at Brackley, bur. Sherwood, m. 10 Man, 1846 to John MacMillan (b. 1818, d. 7 Mar., 1905, bur. Sherwood), son of Donald and Margaret (Mutch) MacMillan of Covehead. Isabella and John MacMillan lived and farmed at Brackley. 8 c., Mary (Mrs. Isaac Sellar), Donald, James Alexander, Sarah Ann (Mrs. James MacLean), John Francis, Margaret, Jane Isabel] (Mrs. John R. Allan) and Bruce.

3. Duncan, b. 1824 at Pisquid River, d. 14 Oct., 1903, Stanhope, bur. West Cove- head, m. 2 Oct., 1874 to Euphemia MacPherson (b. 1850 at Bellevue, d. 9 Sept., 1909, Stanhope, bur. West Covehead) dau. of Malcolm and Christina (Campbell) MacPherson, Bellevue. 8 c., Mary Belle (Mrs. Dennis Murphy), Alexander, Henderson, James Malcolm, Florence (Mrs. William Holmes), James, Archibald and Christina. (see below).

4. Archibald, b. 1828, Pisquid River, d. 8 Jan., 1902, Stanhope, bur. West Cove— head; not m., lived, farmed, and died at his brother Alexander’s home at Stanhope.

5. Donald, b. 6 Mar., 1831, Stanhope, d. 20 Feb., 1896, Brandon, Man., bur. Brandon; m. 1 Dec., 1855 to Margaret Gill (b. 15 Feb., 1831, York, d. 20 Oct., 1899, Brandon) dau. of Abraham and Elizabeth (Tanner) Gill of York. Records indicate that Donald and Margaret MacLauchlan lived and farmed at Union Road and Tryon before taking five of their six children, in the early 1880s, and moving to Western Canada. 6 c., Alfred, John, George, Abraham, Mary (Mrs. William Grant) and Emma (Mrs. Samuel Grieve). When his parents moved west, Abraham (Abe) MacLauchlan, b. 3 Mar., 1864 at Union Road, remained behind and lived and worked at his Uncle Alexander MacLauchlan’s farm at Stanhope, attending school here in the winter months, before leaving for western Canada, where he homesteaded at Wolseley, Sask. After three years of crop failures, he worked his way to the west coast, driving a team during the construction of the Canadian Pacific railroad through the Rockies, then pioneering a settlement at Cumberland, Vancouver Island, dying there on December 6, 1932. Abe MacLauchlan was