Malcolm Shaw MacLeod 1859-1932 S.E. Lawson coll.
Sometimes during the winter when the snow was suitable for sleighing, Harry would hitch up his pet collie dog to the hand-sleigh and deliver the mail to the Point, either along the shore road or across the bay ice, according to conditions. Later on, the mailman took over that route from the MacLeods.
After his parents died, Harry farmed and had extra jobs such as hauling cream to the cheese factory in Dunstaffnage. He used to attend an army training camp for a few weeks each year, and this experience no doubt was a factor which inspired him to join the army the day after World War II broke out in September, 1939. He served his country in the 8th Siege Battery on the European continent, fortunately without receiving any wounds. In November, 1945 he arrived back in Stanhope, only staying long enough to sell his property to his cousin Harry Lawson. While overseas, Harry Leslie had married an English lady, a widow with two girls and a boy; their son, Gary Leslie, was born on December 8, 1946. Eventually, after living in Charlottetown for a few years, the family moved to Toronto, where
Harry died in February, 1969.