they brought five children with them, and settled on 100 acres of land at Black Point, Cove Head. This 100 acres was willed by Lauchlan to his son Ewen, who bought two further 50-acre parcels of land from James and John Jr. McGregor at Black River; this latter 100 acres passed to Ewen’s son Lauchlan, and eventually to Ewen’s nephew, Alex. The 100 acres at Black Point went to Ewen’s son, James, and is still occupied by a MacMillan, Lorne.
Lauchlan died in 1833; and Sarah, on January 15, 1856, aged 101; she is buried in the MacMillan cemetery.
MacMillan descendants continued to hold land in West Covehead and Brackley Point; they farmed and fished, and built a number of ships. Alexander’s twin brother, Angus, leased 120 acres from the Montgomery brothers in about 1838 at the tip of the Stanhope peninsula; his grandson, George, lived there until his death in 1983. Alexander MacMillan also leased land at the Point. This area is the site of Stanhope Beach Lodge, which,as “Point Pleasant Hotel”,was founded by Angus MacMillan around 1855; it is considered to be the first tourist resort and hotel on the Island. For further details see the chapter on Tourism.
Children of Lauchlan and Sarah (McPherson) MacMillan
1. Donald, b. 1781, d. 21 Nov., 1848, bur. MacMillan cemetery, m. 14 Feb., 1814 by Rev. Theophilus DesBrisay to Margaret Mutch (b. 24 Apr., 1791, d. 13 July, 1862, aet. 71), eldest child of Alexander and Lydia Mutch of Lot 48. 11 c., see below.
2. Marion (Maria), b. 1786, d. 7 Mar., 1876, bur. MacMillan cemetery, m. before 2 Aug., 1821, the date of her father’s Will, to Neil Leitch of Stanhope ( 1792 in Scotland, d. 25 Aug., 1882, aet. 91, bur. MacMillan cemetery). 4 c., Sarah, John 0., Mary, Elizabeth. See Leitch family history.
3. Ewen (Hugh), b. 1788-9, d. 18 Jan., 1873, In. 1812-13 to Eleanor (Ellen) Bell (b. 1793, d. 19 Feb., 1862), dau. of John Bell of Cove Head. 8 c.
4. Catherine, b. 1794, d. 21 Apr., 1887, bur. at Belfast, m. Angus Bell (1781—1864) of Belle River. 5 c., Marion, John, Neil, Flora, Hugh.
5. John, b. 1799, d. Jan., 1824, unmarried.
Children of Donald and Margaret (Mutch) MacMillan
1. Ewen, “Capt. Ewen MacMillan of West River", b. 20 Feb., 1815, d. 1900, m. Isabella Matheson (1816-1905), 6 c., Donald, Ronald, Hugh, John and 2 dau.
2. Angus, b. 22' Jan., 1816, d. 1901, In. his cousin Sarah (Sally) Leitch (b. ca. 1819, d. 1904). 8 c., see below.
3. Alexander, b. 22 Jan., 1816, twin with Angus, d. 1913, m. Jean Shaw, dau. of John and Isabella (MacCallum) Shaw. 9 c., see below.
4. John, b. 19 Feb., 1819, d. 1905, m. Isabella MacLauchlan (1823-1893), dau. of Alexander and Mary (Henderson) MacLauchlan of Stanhope. 8 c., Mary, Donald, Alexander, Sarah, John, Margaret, Jane and Bruce.
5. James, b. 16 Mar., 1821, d. in California aet. 22, unmarried. 6. Daniel, b. 1 June, 1823. In the family Bible, nothing further. 7. Jane, b. 19 July, 1825, In. James Leard of Tryon. 0 c.