Stanhope, she nursed and cared for her aging father-in-law, mother- in-law, and her mother during their last illnesses. When she retired as a telephone operator, everyone in the area missed greatly her helpful interest in everything that went on. She would relay messages, answer queries, and knew where everyone was at any given time in emer- gencies. The dial system simply cannot compare!
Marion has a keen awareness of the needs of others and her spontaneous actions have been warmly received on many occasions, for example—
* when a young farm mother needs extra help at harvest time, Marion is there.
* when a vision-impaired senior needs assistance to write letters Marion is there.
* when an elderly shut-in needs a friend to talk to, Marion is there, either by phone or in person.
* when a Tourist operator needs help with the operation of her
. business Marion is there.
* when her niece, a minister’s wife and a multiple sclerosis patient, needed assistance Marion was at the manse, twice weekly for years, to help take care of the housekeeping chores, to befriend her niece and children, and to assist the minister in many ways.
Truly a friend in need! a friend in deed!
Marion is a charter member of Covehead Road Women’s Institute, Stanhope United Church Women, and also the West Covehead Cemetery Committee; she is an active member of Stanhope United Church.
Marion has continued to use her musical abilities in playing the organ for Young Peoples, Stanhope Sunday School, Stanhope- Covehead C.G.I.T., school concerts, weddings, and funerals. At a youthful seventy-six years of age, she continues as regular organist for three congregations; on occasion playing for three services on one Sunday, as well as choir practice thrice weekly. Claiming she can feel the electric organ pedals better in her stocking feet, off come her shoes, all ten toes working as hard as the ten fingers topside — symbolising Marion Marshall’s total commitment in service to others.
John Martin (1829-1911) came from Scotland and married Katherine MacAulay (1839-1898), daughter of Donald MacAulay of Stanhope. John and Katherine probably lived with the MacAulay family on the Stanhope East Road.