Louis W. (Lou) Maye, born in 1899 and died in 1955, married Marcella McCormack (1886-1963) and they lived on 25 acres of land on the Stanhope ; Marcella was the daughter of Michael McCormack and Mary Ann McCabe . Lou was in the army in W.W.I , and was a brother of Bernard Maye , who was married to Ella Keizer . Their son Frank (b. 30 May, 1921) married Irene Myers (b. 10 Oct., 1914) on 1 Dec, 1951. They lived on the in Stanhope , in the Sid Gauthier place, later moving to West Covehead ; they now live in Toronto . Their children went to school in Stanhope . Children of Frank and Irene (Myers) Maye 1. Marjorie, b. 27 Apr., 1950, m. Thomas Kelly . 2. Carol, b. 4 Mar., 1952, m. Gordon Ellis . 3. Sally, b. 23 Sept., 1954, m. David Williams . MILLAR John Millar and his wife Catherine Mclvor came from the parish of Muthill, near Crieff, Perthshire on the Falmouth . He was born about 1730; she, about 1735; both were over 60 in the 1798 census. We do not know the dates of their deaths nor place of burial; John was living as late as 1807. They brought three daughters with them and had three more and a son on the Island. They settled at Carr Head (land later occupied for many years by Ira Carr ) and there is a lease dated 1 August, 1775 for 360 acres to John Millar from Sir James Mont ?? gomery; in David Lawson 's ... Account of what Cattle yung and ould are in the settlers possession August the 8th 1774, John Millar had seven cattle. John Millar , farmer, was granted a town lot in Charlotte Town on 4 May, 1780 and a pasture lot on 10 October, 1780, and like other Stanhope settlers who were granted similar lots, he sold them to James Curtis in 1781 for ??2 Halifax currency. John Millar apparently did not always pay his rent: in a letter from Robert Montgomery the proprietor to James Curtis his agent, dated London, 15 April, 1807, it is stated ... The loss sustained by John Millar is considerable but I cannot allow a Tenant having so large a Stock to be so far behind for years past and indeed I know from undoubted authority that Millar is a very wealthy man, but who always pleads poverty, & unless he pays his rent and arrears I will make an example of him & this I desire you will tell him from me. In the April, 1798 census John Millar 's household consisted of one male and one female over 60 and one male and one female aged from 16 to 60 ??? John and Catherine and their two youngest children, Janet and John Jr. The six daughters all married settlers and lived in Stanhope or moved away. John Jr . married Ann Hayden Auld, daughter of James Lewis Hayden , a United Empire Loyalist , and 431