widow of David Auld of Cove Head. In the 1841 census his household contained himself and his wife and six children; he rented from Montgomery 160 acres of his father’s 360, for which he paid £310 rent per annum; he owned at this time 5 horses, 23 cattle, 56 sheep, and 20 hogs. John and Ann had six sons and one daughter; two of their sons, James and David are listed in the 1861 census, David having his father’s 160 acres, and James, another 100 acres rented from Mont- gomery; the same situation is seen in the 1871 census. In 1880 David is the only Miller in the area (by this time they had changed the “a” in their name to “e”) and since his 160 acres was in what was by then West Covehead and not Stanhope, we can leave the Millar property history and proceed with their genealogy.

Children of John and Catherine (McIvor) Millar

1. Catherine (Kitty), b. 1758 or 9, Perthshire, d. Apr., 1828 aet. 69, Hillsborough; m. ca. 1779 to William Douglas (b. ca. 1750, Dumfries, Scotland, d. 13 Feb., 1835, “Cherry Hill", Head of Hillsborough). He came on the Lovely Nelly in 1775 from Kirkboan, Galloway and acquired a large block of land in Lot 38 in 1778. He and his wife are buried in the old St. Peter’s Harbour cemetery. Seven sons, three dau., see Douglas family history.

2. Isabella (Bella), b. Perthshire, m. 15 J an., 1785 by Rev. Th. DesBrisay to Duncan Shaw (b. Argyllshire, d. Brackley Point, administration of his estate to

widow Isabella 15 Feb., 1812), son of Neil Shaw of Cove Head. They lived in Cove Head, moving to Brackley Point in 1809. 5 s., 2 dau., see Shaw family history.

3. Mary, b. 1767 or 8, Perthshire, d. 22 Feb., 1852 aet. 85, at Cavendish, m. 13 Feb., 1790 by Rev. DesBrisay to William Simpson Jr. (b. 15 June, 1762, Gerbity, parish of Dundercas, Morayshire, d. 22 Feb., 1840 aet. 77 at Cavendish), 3rd son of William and Janet (Winchester) Simpson who landed at Flat River, Belfast, 15 Aug., 1775 (shipwrecked), lived in Charlotte Town, lived in Cove Head “on the old Higgins property”, settled Cavendish 1790. William Jr. and Mary lived in Cavendish, both bur. there. 3 s., 5 dau. ,

4. Margaret (Peggy), b. 1770, d. 25 Jan., 1847 aet. 76, m. 7 July, 1796 by Rev. DesBrisay to John Auld (b. 1766 Ayrshire, d. 7 Sept. 1842), son of Robert and Jean (Fissett) Auld. Lived Cove Head, both bur. Long Pond cemetery, Stanhope. 7 s., 4 dau., see Auld history.

5. Elizabeth (Betsy), b. 1771, P.E.I., d. 18 Nov., 1850 aet. 79, m. 20 July, 1791 by Rev. DesBrisay to James Lawson (b. 1760, Perthshire, d. 10 Nov., 1833 act. 72),

youngest son of David and Helen (Moore) Lawson of Stanhope. Living in Lot 35 in 1798, both bur. Long Pond cemetery. 3 s., 7 dau., see Lawson family history.

6. Helen (Ellen), b. ca. 1774, d. before 11 May, 1838, m. 2 Apr., 1794 by Rev. DesBrisay to James Howatt Jr. (b. 1772 Scotland, d. 1846 Tryon), eldest son of James Howatt who came to Cove Head ca. 1775, living in Lot 38 in 1798, later moved to Tryon. 7 s., 3 dau.

7. Janet, b. ca. 1778, m. 10 Oct., 1798 by Rev. DesBrisay to William Auld (b. 1770), 2nd son of Robert and Jean (Fissett) Auld of Cove Head. 3 s., 6 dau., see Auld family history.

8. John, b. 1782, d. 2 Jan., 1856 aet. 74, m. ca. 1817 to Ann (Hayden) Auld (b. 1789, d. Aug., 1865 aet. 76), dau. of James Lewis Hayden, a U.E.L. who came from NY.