State in 1784, and widow of David Auld of Head (who d. 5 Oct., 1814). 6 s., 1 dau., see below. Children of John and Ann (Hayden Auld) Millar 1. Matilda, b. 1818, d. 21 Dec, 1891, bur. West Covehead , m. Alexander Miller of Pisquid or Frenchfort . 2. John Jr ., b. 1819, living in 1880, rn. 24 or 25 Jan., 1845 by David Higgins J.P . to Annabella McGregor (b. 21 Dec, 1823, d. 71895) 2nd dau. of James and Jane (Brown) McGregor of Rustico . They moved to , West Devon , where John was a shipbuilder and farmer; ?bur. in Presbyterian cemetery, Bloomfield . 5 s., 3 dau. 3. James L., b. 1821, d. 7 Dec, 1894, Georgetown , bur. West Covehead , m. in Australia, 2 s. One, Lemuel Bowles Miller, b. 13 Aug., 1860, d. 12 Aug., 1938, m. Agnes Isabelle Longworth , both bur. People's cemetery, Charlottetown . 4. David, b. 1822 or 23, d. 2 Mar., 1898, m. Christy McNeill (b. 1836 - 7, d. 19 June, 1918), dau. of John and Sarah (Dockendorff) McNeill of Cavendish. Both bur. West Covehead . 1 s., 3 dau. 5. Andrew, d. young. 6. Alexander, b. 1829, d. 18 Feb., 1907, bur. West Covehead . m. 1. ca. 1860 to Margaret Stewart (b. 1841-2, d. 13 Apr., 1885 aet. 43, bur. West Covehead ) of Meregomish, N.S. m. 2. 4 Nov., 1897 to Isabella Higgins (b. 31 July, 1858, d. 28 July, 1939), dau. of William and Catherine (Leitch) Higgins of Stanhope . No c. 7. Lemuel, b. 1834, d. 25 Aug., 1911, m. Margaret H. Lawson (b. 1839, d. 23 Nov., 1924), bur. People's cemetery, Charlottetown . 3 s., 4 dau. MISENER John Solomon Misener was born in March, 1858 in Marie Joseph , N.S. He was a fisherman and boat builder and married Mary Jane Lang (b. 1865, Nova Scotia ). In 1884 he built a boat and took his wife and two children and all their worldly possessions and sailed away from Marie Joseph to P.E.I. , landing at the Brae in , where they rented until 1886 when they again set sail; this time around until they landed at Stanhope , where John decided to settle. Their first home was rented from a family by the name of Strickland and was located at the Point. In October, 1894 John bought a piece of land at Corner from George and Isabella Shaw for the sum of $35.00 cash. A lobster factory at was purchased and torn down, the pieces were moved by horse and cart to Corner and re-built into a two-storey house over a cellar with a foundation of Island sandstone. The well, which had an abundance of fresh, clear water, was only 15 feet deep. As John was a fisherman and boat builder, the next building erected was a boat house where he worked. Later this was extended to house animals and supplies. A very good craftsman, John also made some furniture; one chest of drawers is still in use today. 433