needed. Parent of a large family, during the Depression Bert had a difficult time, but nevertheless managed to provide for his family and give assistance to others by providing fish for their tables some- times he was repaid in money or goods, others never made payment, nor was it requested. A statement often made by Bert was, “I’ll receive my reward for that in the next world”, or if someone did something hurtful to us children he said, “never mind, chickens always come home to roost”. Another quote used by Bert when asked how he was “fair to middling”.

Residents still tell of his kind gifts of sea-food; one lady was awakened by a scratching noise on her porch it was live lobsters walking about and another found a large codfish pinned to her line; both courtesy of Bert. He liked his little joke!

His was the first funeral service held in Stanhope United Church, in March, 1965; he is buried in the Stanhope East Road cemetery.

Children of Abner Bertram and Eleanor (Gurney) Misener

1. John Allan, b. 1916, d. young. Mary Etta, b. 20 March, 1917, d. 9 March, 1972, bur. Whitby, m. 20 Dec., 1945 to Donald Acker in Toronto, lived in Whitby, Ontario.

3. Rose, b. 1918, d. young.

4. John Elliott, b. 16 Mar., 1919, d. 26 Apr., 1967, bur. Stanhope, m. 1 Sept., 1945 to Edith Cole from England, 3 c., see below. John was a veteran of W.W.2.

5. Sarah Jane (Jean), b. 19 Dec., 1920, m. 14 Dec., 1938 to Sheldon Gunn, lives at West St. Peter’s. 9 c., James, Joan, Sterling, Shirley, Reuben, Alvin, Fred,

Marie and Debra. 6. Thomas Gurney (Tom), b. 28 May, 1922, d. 6 Oct., 1978, bur. Toronto; m. m the

1950 s to Joyce Beardswood in Ontario, lived in Toronto, 1 c. Patricia.

7. Allan Bertram, b. 28 Feb., 1924, d. 2 Aug., 1958, bur. Military Cemetery, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. A veteran of W.W.2., not married.

8. Anna Mae, b. 31 May, 1928, m: 25 June. 1949 to David Clark, lives at Long Creek, P.E.I. 4 c., Ronald, Raymond, Russell and John Arthur. David Clark d. 26 Feb.,


9. Lorne LORoy, b. 30 Sept., 1930, m. 17 Feb., 1953 to Marie Doiron, lives in Stanhope, 1 1 c., see below.

10. Elmer Francis, b. 24 May, '1932, d. 8 Mar., 1984, m. 4 Feb., 1955 to Leona Doiron, cousin of Marie above. Lived in Charlottetown, 4 c., Debra, Donald, Cheryl and Shane.

11. Edith Emily Margaret, b. 8 Mar., 1938, m. 5 Nov., 1960 to Ronald Cameron, lives at Blenheim, Ontario, 2 c., Randall and Sandra.

12. Laura Bertha, b. 21 Aug., 1940, m. 30 Dec., 1967 to John MacGregor, lives at Southport, P.E.I.

13. Linus Everett, b. 10 Feb., 1942, m. 9 Mar., 1963 to Barbara Adams, lives in Stanhope, 5 c., see below.

The first ten children were all born in Stanhope; the last three, in Charlottetown (P.E.I. Hospital).