11. June, b. 1 June, 1965. At home. All children born in Charlottetown.

Children of Linus and Barbara (Adams) Misener

Mervyn, b. 30 Sept., 1961, unmarried, lives in Toronto.

Sharon, b. 8 Oct., 1963, Charlottetown. At home, Stanhope.

Scott, b. 14 Feb., 1965, Charlottetown. At home, Stanhope. Christopher, b. 10 Man, 1974, Charlottetown. At home, Stanhope. James, b. 25 June, 1976, Charlottetown. At home, Stanhope.


We are very grateful to Mrs. Anna Clark for providing us with much information on the Miseners.


Francis Mutch, born in 1834, the son of James Mutch of Mount Herbert and his wife Jane Farquharson, married Annabella MacMillan, born in 1849, the second daughter of Alexander and Jean (Shaw) MacMillan of Stanhope. Francis and Annabella had one son, Francis Allan Alexander, known as “Allie”.

In 1889 Francis and Annabella built a summer resort hotel on the MacMillan property at the Point; the contractor was a Mr. Pickering from the Kensington area, and it was known as the Mutch Hotel, later

Seaside Inn. In 1909 Allie Mutch married Elizabeth Lamont and they lived at

the Mutch Hotel until 1914 when they moved to Charlottetown. They had the first summer cottage in Stanhope, made from George Devlin’s boat house; later they built a more conventional cottage (now owned by Ella Wood). Allie and Elizabeth had one son who died very young, and a daughter Cecelia (Mrs. C.M. Blatch) who lives in Charlottetown three sons, Philip, John and Allan.


William J. Myers (b. 16 June, 1889, d. 24 Apr., 1963), son of Francis and Agnes Myers of Miminegash, and his wife Catherine (b. 16

May, 1887, d. 20 Dec., 1960), daughter of Charles and Mary Veno (Venoit on gravestone) of St. Lawrence came to Stanhope in the fall of 1940 from St. Lawrence District, Lot 2. William was a farmer and

fisherman. The Myers family rented the Abbott place on Stanhope Lane until

they moved to West Covehead in 1945. Three of the older sons, Irving, John (Jack) and Joseph were fishermen and later joined the Armed Forces. Bernard, Caroline and Gerald (Fenner) attended

Stanhope School. William and Catherine Myers were married in 1912 and raised

eight children and one grandson: 438