children: Mark, born on February 25, 1972; and Suzanne, born on April 30,1974. SHAW Arriving on the Falmouth in 1770 with the other early settlers, was Neil Shaw and family. It is said that Neil had two or three wives, but there are few records available from which to gather information on this. It is believed that one wife accompanied him to the Island. It is not certain if Kate Mclvor was one of his wives, as the first John Millar 's wife was Catherine Mclvor , and there may be some confusion. With Neil were his two sons, Malcolm and Duncan, and daughters Katherine, Mary and Marion. In the April, 1798 census, the household of "Neil and Mai Shaw" in Lot 34 consisted of one male over 60 (Neil), two males and one female aged 16 to 60, and one female under 16. In the household of Duncan were four males under 16, one male (Duncan) aged 16 to 60, two females under 16, and one female 16 to 60. Benjamin Chappell noted in his diary under the date December 15, 1799. ... Dyed old Mr. Neal Shaw . Neil, Mai and Dun are listed in Duncan Campbell 's History of P.E.I. , page 207, as being buried in Cemetery at Stanhope . An anecdote of the times:... table knives in those days were very scarce. Governor DesBrisay one day called at old Mrs. Neil Shaw 's, (she was a beautiful young woman then). As his call was short and he was leaving suddenly, the good woman caught hold of a bannock, broke it in two, took a chunk of butter, laid it on one half the cake, moistened her thumb in her lips to make it slip over the butter more easily, and then spreading the butter with the moistened thumb, gave the buttered bread to the Governor as he was leaving. In this she was only following the fashions and customs of the country in every particular, (from The Presbyterian and Evangelical Protestant Union, Nov. 15,1877). Neil settled on the lower end of "Uncle William Auld 's" farm. Malcolm settled along the east side of "Parson's Creek", and Duncan, before moving to Brackley Point , settled to the north or east of him. Later, the home place went to John Auld , and Neil then "settled on the land which was later Duncan MacLauchlan's." On May 1,1773, Neil got a grant of 150 acres in Lot 34, on the Bay (the date of this grant was one of the earliest made to any of the settlers at Stanhope ; only one other was made earlier, in 1772, to the Rev. Theophilus DesBrisay ). On May 1,1785, 50 acres in the same location was issued to Neil Shaw . On November 8, 1825, this land was deeded to Neil Shaw (1789 - 456