Brackley Point purchased a tract of land from James Hodges, bounded on the north by lands “lately purchased by Angus McLeod” and on the south by “Mrs. Isabella Shaw’s land.” This tract was “on the Eastern shore of Grand Rustico Bay”. (19:233). The mention of “Mrs. Isabella Shaw’s land” suggests that Duncan was dead by January, 1811. On February 15, 1812, Letters of Administration “on the estate of Duncan Shaw of Cove Head, deceased,” were granted to Isabella Shaw. An inventory of the estate was to be exhibited on August 15, 1812, and a final account on February 15, 1813. It is still possible that they moved from Lot 34 to Brackley Point in 1809, as some records indicate, even though Duncan was called of Cove Head in 1812.
Duncan and his family settled on the property where “Shaw’s Hotel” is today. It was founded in 1860 by Neil (1836 - 1908, grandson of Duncan) and Hannah (Toombs) Shaw. Shaw’s Hotel with its intriguing history is still being operated today by Neil’s grandson, Gordon Shaw and his family. It is among the oldest, if not the oldest, family hotel in the Maritimes.
In 1785, Neil and Duncan Shaw, along with other Stanhope residents, were allowed by the government, a sum of six pounds, ten shillings, for team hire and ferriage of a Detachment of His Majesty’s Troops, with their provisions and baggage being detached to different outposts in the year 80. (Joumal of the House of Assembly of1785, pp. 160-161).
The Shaws were also known for their ships. In 1821, James Shaw and his brother Malcolm were both to have a quarter share of the Schooner, as agreed by Isabella Shaw and her sons. (180:414). They made a considerable number of trips to Newfoundland. The Mariner, 63 tons, three men, built in 1822, was owned by Malcolm; and the Vitula, 57 tons, three men, built in 1820 was owned by Neil and James
Children of Neil Shaw and
1. Mary, m. 1774 to William Lawson (b. 1745, d. 23 Feb., 1836, aet. 91, at Cove Head) son of David and Helen Lawson of Stanhope. 6 c., see Lawson history.
2. Katherine, b. 16 May, 1766 in Southend parish, Kintyre, Argyllshire, d. 23 Sept., 1827, at 9 o’clock Sunday morning; In. 17 J an., 1787 to Dr. John MacCallum (b. 15 Mar.. 1764 in the parish of Kilmartin, Argyllshire). They were living in Lot 33 in 1798, and moved to Quebec, returning to the Island in the Winter of 1831. He studied physic for 13 years under Col. Joseph Robinson. 10 or 11 c., Neil, Christy, James, Daniel, John, Ann, David, John J ., Duncan, Alex.
3. Marion, b. 1768, in Southend parish, Kintyre, Argyllshire, d. 4 Feb., 1846 in Bedeque, m. 17 Jan., 1787 by Rev. Theophilus DesBrisay, in a double wedding ceremony with her sister Katherine, to Donald McFarlane (b. 1759, d. 31 Man,
1843, aet. 84), of Rustico, later of Bedeque. According to the family Bible there were 1 1 c. in all, 3 known are: ~William, Daniel and Ann.