York ) and said that he was a noble looking fella, (sic). It is said that, after Malcolm left and Jean and the children were alone, they would bar the door at night and then listen to the bears outside, chewing and clawing at the barred door, trying to get in at them. At one time, when Malcolm's brother Neil was away, his wife Sarah Cameron became very homesick and lonesome. She heard that a ship would soon be sailing for her beloved Scotland ; taking her two boys, she set out on foot to join her husband and induce him to return to her native land. There is no record, save tradition, to tell us of their experiences on that journey, but she got there only to find that the vessel had sailed a few days before. With a very heavy heart, she returned to the little log house that she called home. Never again was Sarah to see the hills, the burn, the hearths or heather of bonnie, bonnie Scotland , a place so dear to her heart. Children of Neil and Catherine (Lawson) Shaw 1. Malcolm, in his father's Will, stated as eldest son. Living in , Mass. in the year 1860. 2. James, lost at sea before the death of his father in 1859. 3. Robert, living in 1860 but died before the estate was settled. Never married. 4. David, died before the estate was settled; m. to_______Dorcas, lived in , Left "Uncle David Lawson " as guardian of his four children, all under 21 years of age at the time. Children : Mahala, Arthur Wellington , Henry N . and Emily. 5. William, b. 1827, d. 19 Sept., 1906, m. 26 Apr., 1865 by Rev. James Allan at Stanhope to Elizabeth Margaret (Betsy) Lawson (1841 - 1914), dau. of W.D. Lawson . 5 c, see below. 6. Elizabeth (Betsy), m. 11 Dec., 1849 by Rev. James Allan to Stephen Higgins (b. 1809). 5 c, Wellington, Malcolm, James, Catherine (Kitty), and Janet- all died young. 7. Margaret, b. 18-17, d. 20 Aug., 1849 at Covehead , aet. 32. 8. Catherine (Kitty), m. 20 Oct., 1850 by David Higgins J.P . to Albert DesBrisay Bovyer, youngest son of William and Margaret (Kelly) Bovyer. No surviving c. 9. Janet, b. 1836, d. 11 Sept., 1861, never married. 10. Ellen, m. 5 Mar., 1875 to Abram Harper , no c. 11. Mary, d. before 1860, m. 30 Oct., 1850 to Alexander Beattie (1832-1882). No c. Children of Marion and Duncan Shaw 1. Margaret, b. 1831, never married. 2. Flora, d. 1874, m. Donald MacLeod of Bradalbane. 2 sons, see MacLeod history. Note: As John Shaw was listed as being in Stanhope in 1821, and as the date of settlement at Brackley Point is listed as 1832, his family should be mentioned here, as birth dates of some of the family are unknown and they could have been born in Stanhope . 460