confusion over the spelling of their name, which ended up as Shelfoon . Joseph Anthony worked as a "newsie", selling newspapers, candy, etc., on P.E.I , trains, and then drove a taxi in Charlottetown for 62 years (the taxi was a horse and buggy to start with). He married Margaret Gallant and they had 13 children; George is fourth from the youngest. Joseph died in 1974, aged 92. George and Janey were married in 1948 and have one daughter, Peggy Ann , b. 1948, a graduate of Carleton University, Ottawa. She was married in 1972 to Allan Tupper , Associate Professor at the University of Alberta. They live in Edmonton and have two sons, Joshua, b. 1975 and Adam, b. 1979. SIMPSON George (b. Feb., 1905, Parkhill, Ontario ) and Evelyn (b. July, 1913, Ayr, Scotland ) moved to Stanhope in November, 1973 from Montreal, Quebec , where George was an obstetrician and gynaecologist on the attending staffs of the Royal Victoria , the Montreal General and the Royal Edward Hospitals ; he was also Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at McGill University. They had been summer visitors to Stanhope since 1949, and in 1959 bought 12 acres of land on the west side of from Mrs. William Tillson (Rachel 111 The Simpson home 1982-a former P. 0. photo by Evelyn Simpson 469