(Arbing) Swan) and his wife Edith (b. 1885, dau. of Kenneth and Isabel (Jenkins) MacDonald) came to Stanhope from York in 1912 to farm on the Herb Alexander property on the East Road; their two year old son Allan came with them. They left in 1922 with two sons, Allan now aged 12, and Dewar aged four, and farmed on the Covehead Road. David Swan, Harry’s father, lived with Harry and Edith in Stanhope for six-seven years, from 1915-16, and left with them in 1922 when

they moved to Covehead Road. Dewar Swan now lives in York with his wife Grace (Watts).


Lester John Szabo (b. 30 May, 1931, son of Andor and Irma Szabo of Hungary) with his wife Eleanore Elizabeth Mincher (b. 3 June, 1931, dau. of Leon Dearborn and Mary Eleanore (Dalton) Mincher), and their two sons, came to Stanhope in June, 1973 from Boston, Mass. Lester worked as a consulting engineer. The Szabos bought the Douglas home (Mount Joy) and 3 acres of land from Keith and Thelma Douglas, and lived in Stanhope for 17 months. They sold the property to Lawrence and Jean Quick in 1974, and in November of that year the Szabos

moved to Orchard Hill, West Royalty, and later to Rollo Bay. Sons of Lester and Eleanore Szabo:—

1. Steven Michael, b. 19 Apr., 1960, Boston, Mass. 2. Jeffrey Peter, b. 3 June, 1961, Boston, Mass.


Brooklyn M. Vail came to live in Stanhope on September 1, 1966 from Charlottetown, where he had been a building contractor since 1935, with premises on School Street. His daughter Doris (Reid) had previously (1960) bought half an acre of land on the west side of Stanhope Lane. from Bert Misener, and she gave her father a 75 foot plot of land, where in 1966 he built his house with the help of his son Paul.

Brook was born on February 26, 1899, the son of Brooklyn and Mary D. (Ball) Vail of Bedeque, P.E.I. He was married on December 15, 1926 to Ella Euphemia Frizzell, who died on December 11, 1948. They had seven children, as follows:

1. Ernest W., b. 4 Dec., 1927.

2. Doris Ella, b. 16 May, 1929, m. to Wallace Reid. lives in Stanhope, 2 c., see Reid history.

Delmer North, b. 5 Man, 1931, m. to Evelyn Peters, lives in Stanhope. Brooklyn Warren, b. 30 Mar., 1936, d. aet. 3 weeks.

George Robert, b. 8 Nov., 1938.

Alma Joyce, b. 1 May, 1942.
