Prince Edward flesaciaiion. in. connection with the London Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews.

Established 1846. President, Capt. Orlebur, R. N, Secretary and Treasurer, Jae. Moorexe. Committee—I.‘_ ut. Hancook, R. N., Thomas B. Tremainfiohn Bovyer, Y George Beer‘i ’en.

Wesley Methodist Branch of the Missionary Society.

Treasurers, Rev. John M‘Murray, and Ralph Bracken, Esq. Rev. Thos. M. Albrighton and Mr. Jars. Moorerig ,,

Wesleyan Dorcas Society.

President, Mrs. M‘Murray; Secretary, Mrs. T. Dawson; Treasurer, Mrs. Bremnerfit'Committee—Mrs. Breckenfirfi’irs. James Moore, Mrs, M. Butcher, Mrs. ileard, Mrs. Morris, ”ire. Lord, Mrs. Beer, Mrs. B Cliuppell‘ggl’s- W.B. Dawson-and Miss S.Desbrisay, Mrs. B. Moore.

Ladies’ Benevolent Society.

Patroness, Mrs. Duly. Committee-— Mesdames Bayfield, Coles, +Dempsey, Forean, l’. Gaul,4G_r'ay, H. Haszard, Heard, J. Hensley, D. Hodgeon,+.iefli_;ins, Lloyd, Mackieson, M‘Murray, C. Palmer, l’urdie, Rigg, C. Stewart, Tucker, V‘Valher. Misses S. Desbrisay, E. M‘Doneld, C. M‘Donald.

Ladies’ Benevolent Society in connection with the Established Church of Scotland, President, Mrs. Mackieson; Treasurer, Mrs Committee— Mesdamns Forgan, Anderson, 1 2 nkin, Forsyth, ilyndman, R, B, Irving, .pPligpton, Mackieson. 3r“

Highland Society of P. E. Island. Office-bearers elected March 1855.

President, Dr. Stratton, R. MVice President, Neil Rnnkinéflsm; Asst. Vice President, J, W. Morrison, Esq. Directors—Jim. jurdiegk )3qu ‘W. R. Watson, J. Coll M‘Donnldqlghfin ii'lV‘Gillesq. iVVT[,ob_ bati,1_Esq., Mr. Jus. Carmichael. '1‘1'ensurer, Donald M‘Isaac, Esq,; Corresponding Secretary, Janie} gimme}Recording Secy., John A. McDonald, Esq; l’ipcr and Messenger, Donald M‘Fadyen.

General Meetings, 215: March, lst July, and 30th November

The objects of the Society are: let, To cultivate feelings of Nationzilit in Scotsmen and their descendants; 2d, To give pecuniary aid in suitable cases

Benevolent Irish Society.

President, William Mitehelifi. Vice President. William Loug- wort! Asisistztnt Vice President, \V.‘T. M. Dougen; Treasurer, Arthu O’Neill; Secretary, Ric-herd Walsh.

Committee oi'Cherity—Pzttrigi; h‘l‘Oerrnnfchait-man ; F. {\G‘Cer- 1'0 Martin Hoganjsmdwgrd Ryzmfilnclrew Doyle, Peter Treanor, Ja' Lsfiuinnar -