CALENDAR. 51 Princt Edward Association, in connection with the London Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews. Established 1846. President, Capt. Orlebar , R. N. Secretary and Treasurer, Jas. Moore.'4> Committee— Lieut. Hancock, R. N. ,+. Thomas B. Tremain .-fJohn Bovyer, George Beer Men. Wesley Methodist Branch of the Missionary Society, Treasurers, Rev. John M 'Murray, and Ralph Brecken , Esq. Rev. Tlios . M. Albrighton and Mr. Jas . Moore.**" Wesleyan Dorcas Society. President, Mrs. M 'Murray; Secretary, Mrs. T. Dawson ; Treasarer, Mrs. iiremner.'I'CommiUee— Mrs. Brecken ,+ Mrs. James Moore , Mrs , M. Butcher, Mrs. ileard, Mrs. Morris , Mrs. Lord , Mrs. Beer , Mis.' B. ChappelHpSJrs . W.B. Dawsonand Miss S.Desbrisay , Mrs. B. Moore . Ladies ' Benevolent Society. Patroness, Mrs. Daly . Committee— Mesdames Bayfield , Colea, _< J )einpsey, Forgan, P. Gaul,4 Gray, H. Haszard, Heard, J. Hensley , D. Hodgson,.(Jenkins, Lloyd, Mackieson , M ' Murray , C. Palmer, Purdie, Rigg, C. Stewart, Tucker, Walker. Misses S. Desbrisay , E. M 'Donuld, C. M'Donald. Ladies ' Benevolent Society in connection with the Established Church of Scotland, President, Mrs. Mackieson ^Treasurer, Mrs ---------. Committee— Mesdames Forgan, Anderson, ifaVikin, Forsyth, Hyndman, R. B. Irving, (-Plimpton, Mackieson. V Highland Society of P. E. Island . Office-bearers elected March 1855. President, Dr. Stratton , R. . N ^Viee President, Neil Rankin ^fisq.; Asst . Vice President, J. W. Morrison, Esq. Directors—jas . Purdie,^ Esq., W. R. Watson , J. Coll M'Donald^ John RfcjGillXEsq . H_ W. Lob- baiijiEsq., Mr. Jas . Carmichael. Treasurer, Donald M'Isaac, Esq,; Corresponding Secretary, James Rpmans .XRecorditig Secy., John A. McDonald, Esq; Piper and Messenger , Donald M'Fadyen. General Meetings , 21st March, 1st July, and 30th November The ubjects of the Society are; 1st, To cultivate feelings of Nationality in Scotsmen and their descendants; 2d, To give pecuniary aid in suitable cases Benevolent Irish Society, President, Williajp Mitchell^. Vice President, William Lcrag- worttu^Assistant Vice President, W. 'T. M. Dougan ; Treasurer, Arthuv O'Neill; Secretary, Richard Walsh . Committee of Charity—Patrifilj M'Oarron^chairman; F. M 'Car- ror>/Martin HoganJJfjIEdward Ryan^ndrew Doyie, Peter Treat )or, Jamgs_Quinn. i (