Omens or NATIONAL varsxou—Hon. S L. Tillev, M. W. P. St. John N B. Charles E glinton, M. W. A., Shelby ville, Ken- tucky. FrederickA Tickardgt M W. S. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Robeyrt M. Foust, M. W. T. Phila, Penn. Conors L. M Curdy, M. W. Chap” E. Cum. Mass. George P. Rex, M. W. Con., Res- ville, N. Jersey. Lev1 Leland M. W. Sent. Springdale, Iowa.

Rnrnnsmnrwss 'ro NATIONAL DIVISION or NORTH ANERICA— Hon. Charles Young g. John Arbuckle, Rev. David Fitz Gerald, James B. Cooper, William Sanderson, John William Morrison, William Heard, William B. Dawson, John '1‘. Pidwell, Wm. C. Trowan, Rev. J. M‘Murray, Rev. C. I. Burnett.

GRAND DIVISION, S. or TIA Pruner EDWARD ISLAND—G. W. P., Rev. C. [. Burnett; G W A..,§,«Mr John Rider; G. Scribe, Mr. P. DesBrisay;G .'1‘., Mr G. R Beer; G. Chaplain, Rev. J. Mac- Murray, G. Conductor, MroJames Evans; G. Sentinel, Mr. John Scott; P. G, W. P. Mr. .W. Morrison; General Agent. J.

Arbuckle. sUDoanINATn DIVISION.

Prince Edward, No. 1, Charlottetown. Rising Sun, No. 2, do. Victoria, No. 4, do. Aurora, No. 8, Bedeq ue. Diamond oi‘tho Desert, No. 9, Georgetown. Westmoreland, qNo. 10, Tr 1-.yon Crys- tal Stream No. 12, Vernon River. Blooming Rose, No. 17. Belfast. St. John,No l9, Crapaud. Mar g,.ate,No 29, Margate. Sparkling Gem, No. 21, Georgetown. Flower of the Forest, 22, Grand. River East. Agricola, No. 23 White Sands. Caledonia, No. 24, Wood Islands. Napier, No. 25, Bedeque. Alliance, No. 26, West River, Lot 47. Albion, No. 27, Murray Harbour. No. 28, Phoenix, Wilmot Creek. No. 29, Roscicrucian, New Perth. No. 30, Salem, Lot 48.


.. FREE MASON'S. ' 3 The .Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Fr rte Masom. * Grand Master of En g,land the Earl of Zetland. Deputy Grand Master of Ireland, the Duke of Leinster. Grand Master, Earl Howe. Grand Master of Ireland, the Duke of Athol. Past Grand Master the Right Hon Lord Frederick Fitzolarence, G. C H. , 7 Provincial Grand Master for Nova Scotia New Brunswick, tho Islands of Prince Edward and Newfoundland and their Depen‘den- cies, the Hon. Alex. Keith, l51alifax. ' Saint John’ .3 Lodge, No. Charlottetown, holding Warrant under the Grand Lodge of 5England—W. Master, Charles Bell, Senior Warden, James D. Mason. Junior Warden, Thomas Williams. Secretary, J. Ross. Treasurer, Hugh Fraser Senior Deacon, Adam Murray. Jun. Deacon, Silas Barnard. J. Guard, James B Pollard. Ma1shall, James Evans. Stewards, James Coles,j 1'. «Lawrence Warren. John M‘Neill, Tyler. Past Mas- ters—‘11]. W. Lobbandfiohert Hutchinson, Charles Young, J. W. MorrisongJas Watts, W. '1‘ Paw. Regular nights of Meeting, 211 Tuesday in each month, at Mason

Hall, North Side of Queen Square.

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