The music of thp church is well rendered by a very painstaking and efficient choir under the direction of the orgainst, Miss MacCc-u Id of the Tardily of B Ornish . The corner stone of this sanctuary was laid "by his Lordship Bishop Mclntyre who was assisted" in the ceremony hy very Rev. James McDonald 7.3. St. Andrews , Very Rev. D. McRonald , Rev. James Fhelan , Rev. William Fhelan , Rev. John Corhett, and Rev. I '. J. McMillan , pastor of the church. On Sunday SJth August loffS , the church of was solemnly dedicated by Archihishop Lynch of Toronto . Kis grace was assisted hy Rev. Ch-rles McDonald, Eo.-tcj cf St. Evr.etans College Rev. JamesFhelan , Rev. John A , McRonuld, Rev. Jose ]:). McLean and Rev. M.J. McMillan pastor. After the ceremony of dedication and the celebration of mass, Kis grace preached a seruon which \ "r.; patient Industry have achieved m much in tl sir new homes still have loving recollections of tl..' "oar old lrnd of their birth, v.nd many a quaint story ->nc ■> hi tenini ccence will he told in the course of an ' liji 3 in Baldwins R~ A far.'liai fi:,..- '.'' some of those who femig - from County Monaghan was Trainor, Father John MacDonollr agtnt, whose grey coat and pnnts and plaidyrest" made by himself on his farm at Mill Zo\-t are veil remembered.