RT. REVEREND MAURICE McDONALD 1937-1948 The Sixth Parish Priest of Vernon River

Rt. Reverend Maurice McDonald was born in Kelly’s Cross on August 2, 1876, the son of Michael McDonald and Bridget McQuaid. He entered Prince of Wales College in 1894 and received his license to teach school. He taught school in Hunter River for five years and then entered St. Dunstan’s College in 1900 and graduated in 1904.

He entered the Propaganda College in Rome for the study of theology in 1904 and was ordained a Priest in Rome on June 13, 1908. His first assignment as a priest was assistant at St. Dunstan’s Basilica. In 1913 he was appointed administrator in Alberton and served there until 1915, when he was made Pastor of St. Dunstan’s Basilica where he served until 1933. From 1933 until 1937 he was Pastor of ’I‘racadie Cross and Corran Ban Parishes.