REVEREND CLIFFORD MURPHY Administrator of St. J oachim’s, Vernon Rive1 From October 1967 to June 1968

Father Murphy was born in Millvale, Hope River Parish on June 11, 1920. After attending secondary school, he joined the R.C.A.F. serving until 1945. He studied at S.D.U. and with the Oblates of Mary Immac- ulate for a period of four years. He received his Seminary training at Holy Heart Seminary, Halifax and was ordained at St. Dunstan’s Basilica in June, 1958. After his ordination he was appointed curate to Saint Joachim’s, where he faithfully served from 1958 to 1968. During his stay in Vernon River, Father Murphy was closely associated with the people.

His untiring efforts were greatly visible in the youth; he was chap- lain of the Catholic Youth Organization and the Christian Family Move- ment and was, at all times, available for counselling and spiritual guidance.