enrolled at College where he remained two years. In 1914 he entered Holy Heart Seminary , Halifax, where he studied philosophy and theology. His ordination took place at Basilica, Charlot- tetown, July 6, 1919. His first Solemn Mass was offered at St . Joachim's, Vernon River , on July 13,1919. Having been incardinated in the Archdiocese of Vancouver, he was assigned for two years to the important work of relieving the overworked pastors of parishes and missions spread far and wide throughout British Columbia . This was a trying experience for a newly ordained priest. He was tested and found to be reliable. In 1921 Father MacKenzie was appointed pastor of St . Joseph's, Salmon Arm. The 1935 Catholic Directory lists twelve missions attached to Salmon Arm. When Father Wilbert was given this charge his territory was even greater — it extended from Kam- loops to Revelstoke and from to Vernon. During his pastorate here he erected new mission churches at Chase, , Grindod, Mara and Enderly. In 1926 Father Wilbert was given charge of St . Francis of Assisi Church, Revelstoke, with its attached missions. From 1929 to 1931 he was Pastor of Holy Rosary Cathedral, Vancouyer. In October, 1931, he was transferred to the Immaculate Conception Church, Kelowna, B.C. , and appointed Dean of the . Unless one has visited the interior of British Columbia , or care¬ fully studied a large atlas of this great province one does not grasp the meaning of doing mission work in central British Columbia . The hardships endured by the missionary priests in that territory were very great. Monsignor Wilbert MacKenzie died in 1966 and was buried in the Archdiocese of Vancouver having spent himself and being spent in the interest and the welfare of those committed to his care. Rt. Reverend Edwin L . Doyle — 1890-1959 Edwin L. Doyle , born at Earnscliffe , was educated at Earnscliffe school and College. He taught school for a few years, then went to St. Dunstan's from where he was graduated in 1916 with a B.A . degree. He then went to Calgary and joined the teaching staff of St . Mary's Boys' High School. During this time he studied theology and was ordained priest in St . Mary's Cathedral by Archbishop McNally in 1919. He went to Rome in 1933 and studied Canon Law until 1935; he was then appointed Parish Priest of St . Anne's, Calgary which pastorate he held until the time of his death. On November 6, 1957 he was made a Domestic Prelate. On August 54