-23- attended occasional classes at St. 2un3tan's, ke ecrollad aa full- tiae student at St. Sunatan'a in 1896, oomplating hda studies in 19CO. The sans year ha entered i 'jueoeo's Grand Seminary* and on July 10, 1904. VTaa ordained at the Cathedral in Charlottetom by Bishop Jaaas Charles ifeoltonald. after four years as curat© at the Cathedral, i » ens naood pastor at lona in Ju3y, 1906. IJere he wmxSp&& until January, 1913, at which time ho was transferred to Bop© i :Uvor. 2a 1921 to baeamo pastor at HLooof ield, and in 2 S 4G "*&© splinted to , Retiring to the Sacred Ebsarii $*>«» Sfi 1943* &*» died there in I9p0» and is buried in St, iinthony's Cenetory, Bloorafield.23 a oiater. still living, is a soniber of the Gongregntioh of Botre Eterae. Father Gaudot tsas a -aopfcaw of the ^ell Zsnora and ration beloved Sbwsignor Chiaaaon, third Heotor"-of^St»~^anst«m*e»'~ajid later pastor at South Itaatico for alraoat forty years. At the time of his death, the Borssignor had been.a priest for oixi?/-ei££it years. sst, mn®m$ Sauls (1915-1919) Kelly'a Croos produced thi3 vxjrthy son"whose naraa around lona i 3 a household one to this day, over forty years after his departure. Father Saith was born in 1877. &*& graduated from St. Dunstan's in 1903., after having taught school for about three yearcu He rasa oz-~ dained in chfirlottetosjn in 1$506» following theological studies at the Grand Senteaxy in &5afttrenl» I& opent the first two sears, of Ms priestly life tewrtiag at St. Ifcaaetaft's* Xn 19C9 he sailed for Boase 23 jfca -'^y^o^totQYj^LJ^aik^ (*>ay« 1950)*