made Mn a valuable isobar 5:: establishing the Chm-oh Extension Society 0:? Canada. whose 1329918311! 5% (:11;- tim was mother alumni Islander. 3:. Rev. Ahmad fizz-k9. a native of 690mm. Econ aftermamdinatdm. mtmkbcfizbegmlmmlayms amend tall-alts ‘ay mummting able articles to tbs 12985. In '61!» these cmfiribu‘aions were put in book fem. In image writings, ntflnh cov- ered a great variety of subjects. in Maybe/ed W1 jux‘lgumt. koemaas of inbellact and Easter?) of that English language; It is not Emu where or when Rather Roche died. 5-30 went to Empo while the 333% “mild War was raging. end it 13 {amiable tmt+ Jive snip was
torpedoed. 31
1m. J mom-um (deceased) lh'bbur D'Gomxell was tom in Zions on ismmy 19, 1870. am 0:?
John D'é‘mmll and Race Elise. Lb attenfled Prime of Wales College
and banal» in the public schools of the grmvinoe for some years.
(Sis ”531111.31 having moved ‘55 Boston. he enrolled at St. (Emma College.
flint/land. Igmfing in 1895. Next he entered .315 . ihz'y' s Seufinary.
Hakim-e. where he remained five yemls. 3b was ordained to the
3>xfiastkmd in the Cathiedz‘sl of the Ass-metion. Bedtimx‘e. Ehzzyland
in June, 1900, by James Cardinal Gibbons. For the first minefieen
years of his Mam, Father O‘Connell x as pastor of Biz. Francis
0231302.. Elmmsmok. Wmlflnd. and “from 1919'5017033 was 3703th of
flamed Sammt cmz'ch. Lihlfiazwm. 130 031013. on August 25. 19/318.
(3 13153.31