-35- msde him. a valuable factor in establishing the ~ociety of Canada , whose president at the tine v/as another eminent Islander, 2t. Hev. Alfred .Durke, a native of Georgetown , soon after bis ordination, father Roob © began to enroloy his tiiae and talents ly contributing able articles to the press. In tine thee© contributions were pat in book faro. In these writings, ohioh cov¬ ered a great variety or" subjecte, ho displayed careful judgment, keenness of intellect and aaatery of the JSaglish language. It is aofc ionemn where or when flatter Poohe died, -•& went to Suropo while the First IVorld war was raging, and it is probable that the ship was torpedoed.Ji ■ aSV, JA2SS9 0*COTTSXili (deceased) JRatfca* O'Cbmnell was born in lora on January 19, ia?0, son of John 0*Connell and Itose Hice . lb attended l^inca of uales College end taught in the public schools of the province for son© years. His faudly leaving njoved to Soston, he enrolled at College, Maryland , graduating in 1895» Efox* be entered 3t. Ifery»3 Seminary, Baltimore, whore he remained five years. Ih was ordained to ths priesthood in the Cathedral of the .Assumption, Baltimore, iferyland in June, 1900, by James Cardinal Gibbons. For the first nineteen years of Me ministry, l?atfoar 0'Cornell was pastor of St. Sranoio Church, Ikunswick, vferyland,. and from 1919 to 134£> was pastor of released Sacraoont Church, Baltimore. Ijo died on August £5, 19/ J 8, ;,-u J. .^ona;:;ue, i-rince .Hd«ard toj^ V ^ X ^fr^g?* £?• 124-129•