house to become the head of Stella Maris Convent . Throughout her years in this parish Sister was noted for her concern and thought fulness, her great¬ hearted love for everyone. Many came to her for advice and went away comforted. She was warmly loved especially by the Senior Citizens whom she visited regularly. When they had to say goodbye to her in 1968, there was sorrow in many hearts. Sister St . Helen was most grateful when Sister Viola Ryan ( Sister St . Christine of the Angels) was named bursar for the convent for the years 1969-1971. With a wealth of experience as teacher, superior and bursar, Sister Viola helped in many ways to promote the happiness of those she met. Her many visits to the Senior Citizens brought them hours of joy and entertainment. However, it was not long before those good people found another in¬ terested friend in Sister Winnifred MacDonald who succeeded Sister St . Helen. The Sisters will always be particularly grateful to Sister Winnifred for a much needed alteration in the convent. Due to noise from the main entrance and kit¬ chen it was decided in 1970 to place a false wall on the inside of the chapel and to change the door leading to it. When this was accomplished it most certainly helped to make the chapel a much more peaceful place of prayer. Sister Winnifred saw to many other improvements and, like her predecessors, gave of her very best in concern for both spiritual and temporal matters, endearing herself to the people, especially to the aged, the lonely and deprived. When Sister's term of six years as superior ended in 1973 it was not easy to say farewell to one who had been a devoted leader and a most considerate and congenial companion. Convent as it is today. 53